Survivor 47

Episode 1 Stats

Rob Brodeur breaks down all the latest stats!


Each week Inside Survivor contributor Rob Brodeur will be collecting various Survivor-related statistics and information based on the latest episode of Survivor 47.


  • This is the 15th consecutive season to film in Fiji.
    • It’s the 16th season to film in Fiji (including Survivor: Fiji)
  • This is the 7th consecutive season to start with three tribes.
    • Seasons 41-47 all started with three tribes.
      • The most recent season to only have two pre-merge tribes was Island of the Idols.


  • The average age of the cast is 31.96.
    • Oldest player: Sue Smey (58)
    • Youngest player: Teeny Chirichillo (23)
  • This is the fifth consecutive season where the starting tribes had four-letter names.
    • Survivor 43: Baka, Coco, Vesi
    • Survivor 44: Ratu, Soka, Tika
    • Survivor 45: Belo, Lulu, Reba
    • Survivor 46: Nami, Siga, Yanu
    • Survivor 47: Gata, Lavo, Tuku
  • There have been 35 tribes since David vs. Goliath with two-syllable names.
    • David vs. Goliath: Vuku & Tiva
    • Edge of Extinction: Manu, Kama, Lesu, & Vata
    • Island of the Idols: Vokai & Lairo
    • Winners at War: Dakal, Sele, Yara, & Koru
    • Survivor 41: Luvu, Ua, & Yase
    • Survivor 42: Vuku, Ika, & Vati
    • Survivor 43: Baka, Coco, Vesi, & Gaia
    • Survivor 44: Ratu, Soka, Tika, & Va Va
    • Survivor 45: Belo, Lulu, & Reba
    • Survivor 46: Nami, Siga, & Yanu
    • Survivor 47: Gata, Lavo, & Tuku
      • Not including merged tribes, the most recent tribe name with more than two syllables was “Jabeni” in David vs. Goliath.
  • Genevieve is the 9th Canadian to be on US Survivor
    • Island of the Idols – Tom
    • Survivor 41 – Erika & Shan
    • Survivor 42 – Maryanne, & Omar
    • Survivor 44 – Kane
    • Survivor 45 – Kaleb
    • Survivor 46 – Venus
      • Survivor 43 is the only new era season not to have someone from Canada on the cast.
    • Genevieve is the first Survivor player from Manitoba.
  • Tiyana was an alternate for Survivor 45.
  • Rachel was an alternate for Survivor 46.
  • Kishan is the second player with the last name Patel after Karishma in Island of the Idols.
    • Coincidentally, both of their names start with “K,” and they were on “L” starting tribes.
  • Teeny is the first openly non-binary player on US Survivor.
    • Evvie from Survivor 41 is the first non-binary contestant; they came out after filming their season but before it aired.
  • This season is tied with Survivor 45 for the highest percentage of Asian-American castaways, with 28% (5/18).
    • The previous record was Fiji with 26% (5/19).
    • Half of the Gata tribe is Asian-American (Andy, Anika, & Rachel).
  • Tuku is the only tribe this season without an LGBT or Asian-American player.
  • Gata
    • Average age: 31.55
    • Oldest member: Jon Lovett (41)
    • Youngest member: Sam Phelan (24)
    • Gata is based on the Fijian word for “Snake.”
    • Gata is the 26th yellow tribe.
      • Yellow is the second most used tribe color in Survivor.
      • Yellow has been used as a starting tribe color in every odd-numbered new era season. (Yase, Baka, Lulu, & Gata).
    • Three of the five “G” starting tribes have been yellow.
      • Galang in Blood vs. Water, Gondol in Kaoh Rong, and Gata in Survivor 47.
    • Gata is the first four-letter yellow tribe that starts with “G.”
      • Galu in Samoa was purple, Gota in Caramoan was orange, and Gaia in Survivor 43 was green.
  • Lavo
    • Average age: 31
    • Oldest member: Sol Yi (42)
    • Youngest member: Teeny Chirichillo (23)
    • Lavo is based on the Fijian word for “rat.”
    • Lavo is the 25th red tribe.
      • Red is the third most used tribe color in Survivor.
      • Survivor 42 and 44 are the only new era seasons without blue tribes.
    • Lavo is the third red tribe that starts with “L” after Lopevi in Vanuatu and Libertad in Nicaragua.
    • Lavo is the only starting tribe where no two players are from the same state.
      • Gata has Anika and Jon from California.
      • Tuku has Gabe and TK from Maryland.
  • Tuku
    • Average age: 33.33
    • Oldest member: Sue Smey (58)
    • Youngest member: Gabe Ortis (26)
    • Tuku is based on the Fijian word for “spider.”
    • Tuku is the 30th blue tribe.
      • Blue is the most used tribe color in Survivor.
      • Survivor 44 and 46 are the only new era seasons without blue tribes.
    • Tuku is only the second blue tribe that starts with “T” after Tambaqui from The Amazon.
    • “T” is the second most common tribe starting a letter, with 15 tribes having “T” names.
      • The most common tribe starting letter is “M” with 16.

Hidden Immunity Idol

  • Gabe is the 10th player to find a hidden immunity idol in the first episode after Tiffany in Survivor 46, Brandon in Survivor 44, Dan in Survivor David vs. Goliath, Domenick in Ghost Island, Kelley in Cambodia, Carolyn in Worlds Apart, Garrett & Tony in Cagayan, & Kristina in Redemption Island.
  • Other limited-use idols found/received in the premiere are as follows:
    • Sabrina found the Manono idol in the premiere episode of One World but had to give it to someone on that tribe.
    • Ryan found an idol during the marooning in the premiere of Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, but it needed to be given to someone on a different tribe.
    • Natalie found one on Edge of Extinction in Winners at War but had to sell it to someone still in the game.
    • Gabler got an idol during the summit trip by risking his vote in the Survivor 43 premiere.
  • Gata is the only tribe where nobody found the beware advantage in the first episode.

Reward Challenge #1 – “Kang Sera Sera”

  • Variations of this challenge were used in Marquesas, Vanuatu, Gabon, Philippines, Kaôh Rōng, Survivor 42, Survivor 43, Survivor 44, Survivor 45, and Survivor 46.
    • Survivor 41 is the only new era season to not use this challenge.
  • Gata is the first yellow tribe since Gondol in Kaoh Rong to win this challenge.
  • Lavo is the first new era red tribe to lose this challenge.
    • Vesi and Reba both won this challenge.

Reward Challenge #2 – “Camp Supply Challenge”

  • This is the first new era season to not have the “Sweat vs. Savvy” challenge.

Immunity Challenge – “Under Pressure”

  • Variations of this challenge were used in Blood vs. Water, Cagayan, and Cambodia.
    • This is the first time the challenge was used on a season that was filmed in Fiji.
  • Every new era yellow tribe has lost the first immunity challenge.
    • Yase in Survivor 41, Baka in Survivor 43, Lulu in Survivor 45, and Gata in Survivor 47.
  • Kama in Edge of Extinction is the most recent yellow tribe to win the first immunity challenge.
  • Gata is the first “G” tribe to lose the first immunity challenge.
  • Every new era “T” tribe has won the first immunity challenge.
    • Taku in Survivor 42, Tika in Survivor 44, and Tuku in Survivor 47.
  • Mana in Game Changers is the most recent red tribe to lose the first immunity challenge.
  • Ika in Survivor 42 is the only new era blue tribe to lose the first immunity challenge.
  • This was the first time since Survivor 42 that the tribe that won the initial reward challenge lost the immunity challenge.
    • Nami in Survivor 46, Reba in Survivor 45, Soka in Survivor 44, and Vesi in Survivor 43 won both challenges.
      • Gata joins Ika (Survivor 42) and Ua (Survivor 41) to be the only new era tribes to win the initial reward challenge but not win the first immunity challenge.
  • Every tribe won at least one challenge in this episode.
    • Gata won the first reward challenge, Lavo won the immunity challenge, and Tuku won the second reward challenge and the immunity challenge.
  • Yellow tribes have lost the most first immunity challenges, with 12 total losses across 22 seasons.
    • Boran in Africa, Maraamu in Marquesas, Saboga in All-Stars, Nakhum in Guatemala, Manihiki in Cook Islands, Zhan Hu in China, Foa Foa in Samoa, Masaya in Worlds Apart, Yase in Survivor 41, Baka in Survivor 43, Lulu in Survivor 45, and Gata in Survivor 47.
  • Every yellow tribe in a season with three or more starting tribes has lost the first immunity challenge with the exception of Tandang in Philippines, Gondol in Kaoh Rong, and Soko in Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers.
    • Saboga in All-Stars, Manihiki in Cook Islands, Yase in Survivor 41, Baka in Survivor 43, Lulu in Survivor 45, and Gata in Survivor 47.
  • This is the fourth time in a red, blue, and yellow starting tribe season where the yellow tribe lost the first immunity challenge.
    • Worlds Apart – Masaya lost the first immunity challenge while Escameca and Nagarote won.
    • Survivor 43 – Baka lost the first immunity challenge while Coco and Vesi won.
    • Survivor 45 – Lulu lost the first immunity challenge while Belo and Reba won.
    • Survivor 47 – Gata lost the first immunity challenge while Lavo and Tuku won.
  • Blue tribes have won the most first immunity challenges with 14 total wins across 25 seasons.
    • Red is in second place with 13 total wins across 19 seasons.


  • Sam had the first confessional of the season.
    • Sam is the first player since Evvie in Survivor 41 to have the first confessional in a season and be on the losing tribe at the first immunity challenge.
    • Coincidentally, they were both on yellow starting tribes.
  • Aysha had the most confessionals this episode with 12.
  • Kishan, Sol, Caroline, and Kyle had the lowest number of confessionals with 1.
    • Everyone got at least one confessional in this episode.
    • This is the eighth premiere episode in a row where every player got at least one confessional.
      • Dean in Island of the Idols is the most recent player to not get a confessional in the premiere episode of a season.
  • In the new era, everyone had at least two confessionals in the premieres of even-numbered seasons, while everyone had at least one confessional in the premiere of odd-numbered seasons.

Tribal Council

  • Jon was voted out 5-1.
    • He’s the fourth “Jon/John/Jonathan” to be the first boot of a season.
      • John Raymond in Thailand
      • Jonathan Libby in Palau
      • Jonny FairPlay in Micronesia
      • Jon Lovett in Survivor 47
  • Jon is the first LGBT player since Sonja in Borneo to be the first player voted out and eliminated from the game.
    • Jolanda was the first player voted out of Palau, but Jonathan and Wanda were eliminated before her.
    • Jackson in Survivor 42 was medically evacuated and first eliminated from the game, but Zach was the first player voted out.
  • Jon is the lowest placing LGBT player in Survivor who was voted out, coming in 18th place.
    • Colton, who came in 19th place in Blood vs. Water, is the lowest-placing LGBT player, but he quit and was not voted out.
  • Jon is the fourth player in a row to start on a yellow tribe and come in 18th place.
    • Survivor 41 – Abraham was the first player voted out of Yase.
    • Survivor 43 – Morriah was the first player voted out of Baka.
    • Survivor 45 – Hannah was the first player eliminated from Lulu when she quit.
    • Survivor 47 – Jon was the first player voted out of Gata.
  • All three players from yellow tribes who were voted out in 18th place in the new era (Abraham, Morriah, and Jon) were voted out 5-1.
  • Survivor 43 is the only new era season where a woman (Morriah) was the first player voted out and the first player eliminated.
    • Survivor 41 – Abraham was the first player voted out.
    • Survivor 42 – Jackson was medically evacuated and Zach was the first player voted out.
    • Survivor 44 – Bruce was medically evacuated and Maddy was the first player voted out.
    • Survivor 45 – Hannah quit and Brandon was the first player voted out.
    • Survivor 46 – Jelinsky was the first player voted out.
    • Survivor 47 – Jon was the first player voted out.
  • Gata is the first “G” starting tribe to vote out a man first.
    • Samoa – Yasmin was the first player voted out from Galu.
    • Caramoan – Allie was the first player voted out from Gota.
    • Blood vs. Water – Candice was the first player voted out from Galang during the first impressions vote, and Laura M. was the first player voted out from Galang at their first official tribal council.
    • Kaoh Rong – Anna was the first player voted out from Gondol.
      • Coincidentally, both “G” merged tribes voted out men first.
        • Panama – Nick was the first player voted out of Gitanos.
        • Survivor 43 – Dwight was the first player voted out of Gaia.
  • This is the first year since 2002 where the first two players voted out of a season were men.
    • In 2002, Peter was the first player voted out of Marquesas, and John was the first player voted out of Thailand
    • In 2024, Jelinsky was the first player voted out of Survivor 46, and Jon was the first player voted out of Survivor 47
      • Coincidentally, both of these years had someone named Jon/John voted out first.


Episode Title

  • The episode title, “One Glorious and Perfect Episode,” was said by Jon in a confessional about potentially being the first player voted out.
    • Coincidentally, he only lasted for one episode.

Survivor Birthdays

  • This week’s episode aired on the following Survivor player’s birthdays:
    • Kim Johnson – Africa
    • Coach Wade – Tocantins, Heroes vs. Villains, South Pacific
    • Cole Medders – Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers


Written by

Rob Brodeur

Rob hails from Boston, MA. He studied Architectural Engineering at college and has been following Survivor since the first season. Rob is married and has a dog named Snoopy. He also used to host Survivor ORGs (Online Reality Games) on Facebook. Rob writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Survivor Stats feature.

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