Jeff Probst on Updates to ‘Sweat v Savvy’ and Beware Advantages

He also recommends what season new fans should watch.


The On Fire podcast is back, with Survivor host Jeff Probst, producer Jeff Wolfe, and Survivor 46 runner-up Charlie Davis. In this first episode, the trio discusses the premiere, the marooning, some updates regarding the “Sweat vs. Savvy” challenge and “beware advantages,” and their thoughts on some of this season’s players. In addition, they all reveal which season they would recommend to new fans of the show. 

When talking about the premiere, Probst says he wants players to feel the Survivor experience to the fullest, as he doesn’t want players to be eased into Survivor but rather thrust into the adventure headfirst. He also adds he’s never been happier than now to host the show. 

Regarding the Sweat vs. Savvy challenge, Probst explains that production wanted to update it, and he contributed to this idea by saying he wanted it to resemble Indiana Jones. He praises the challenge team by explaining how they created, tested, and ultimately came up with what the audience saw on their screens, highlighting that they wanted to keep the challenge fair and competitive, no matter who played. 

As for the new format of the beware advantage, Probst details how the elevated risks are part of the dangerous fun concept that has emerged ever since the New Era of Survivor began. “Let’s make Survivor more fun by adding more danger,” Probst says while adding, “This version of this season’s beware advantage is really not a radical departure; it’s just merely the next level of the alphabet.”

Afterwards, when talking about Andy, Probst discloses that he thought Andy would leave the game but recognises that the other Gata tribe members saw Jon as a more significant threat down the line due to Jon’s storytelling abilities. Charlie adds it takes a savvy player to differentiate between someone being a target or a smokescreen. 

Lastly, when asked by a fan which season they would recommend to new fans, Probst recommends not watching the show in chronological order, but rather seasons with big personalities in it, such as Heroes vs. Villains, David vs. Goliath, or any seasons with Russell, Tony, Coach, Boston Rob, Cirie, Parvati, Sandra and Sarah Lacina in them. Charlie warns newcomers to avoid Winners at War as a first season as it is a massive spoiler fest and recommends Survivor: Tocantins. For his part, Wolfe mentions Survivor: Cagayan, as it stands the test of time to being one of the show’s best seasons.

Written by

Mariana Loizaga

Mariana is a lawyer and a writer from Mexico City, Mexico. She has a masters degree in International Relations from the University of Surrey. Her hobbies include reading, blogging, and of course watching Survivor. The first season of Survivor she ever saw was Survivor: Philippines and she became so fascinated with the game and its many layers that she went back through the archives and watched every single previous season.

2 responses to “Jeff Probst on Updates to ‘Sweat v Savvy’ and Beware Advantages”

  1. Survivor Tocantins is a season for straight male survivor fans. The men were dominating. Only 4 male players have been asked back.

    Cagayan I think is the best season to start watching for new fans. Samoa and David vs Golliath are great too

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