Survivor 47

Next Time On Survivor – Episode 2

Steph Lauw makes her predictions for the next episode!


Welcome to Season 47’s Next Time On Survivor weekly feature on the Inside Survivor site! If you’re new around here, I’m Steph from sunny, tropical, humid Singapore. This is a tiny space where I give my best attempts at understanding preview trailers and make my predictions for the show’s next episodes.

Let’s start with the Next Time On Survivor trailer for Episode 2! Opening, Anika gives a confessional, “With Andy, it’s giving toxic, clingy boyfriend.” This trailer, especially when we watch it immediately after the premiere episode, reads as an extension of the negative portrayal of Andy that has been highlighted thus far.

We saw multiple interactions at the Gata camp, where other players trod around edgy feelings towards him, with Andy himself uncomfortable feeling passed over by his tribe. This cumulated with his meltdown during the immunity challenge and continued through the episode until tribal council, even though Jon was ultimately voted out instead.


It’s no surprise that Andy would be featured again in the preview, being one of the established characters at this early juncture. I won’t be surprised if this continues as the Gata tribe keeps him for challenge strength and an easy option to throw under the bus should they need to.

Later in the NTOS preview, Sam states, “I was not ready for the bomb that Andy was about to drop.” It’s usually about the beware advantage at this point of the season. I think Andy here is seeking Sam’s help to retrieve the idol after finding the beware advantage clue, or perhaps he already found the idol and is sharing the information with Sam in an attempt to form an alliance.

Moving on to the Lavo tribe, we get a tiny insight in the NTOS trailer with Sol’s confessional that “Rome is a lot,” overlayed with shots of Rome dancing at camp. I think this scene may lead in as a follow-up to Rome’s beware advantage hunting in Episode 1—he already aroused some suspicion from spending too much time away from camp, so this addition may suggest to us he’s not in the best position on his tribe.


I’m not reading too much into this for now, though. In one of the trailer shots, we see the rest of the Lavo tribemates having fun alongside Rome’s dancing, cheering him on. Sol’s remark may just be a minor moment highlighting the different personalities between them early in the game, setting up some potential tension, though may not blow up to affect gameplay. It’s hard to tell, as we didn’t see much of Sol in the premiere. Though, from the pre-season press, he listed poker as one of his hobbies, so I’m assuming he won’t be too reactive this early on.

Lastly, the Tuku camp seemed the most happening from the previews. Tiyana angrily comments, “he called us all losers,” while we see a quick shot of Gabe looking around while walking through the jungle. In another promotional trailer, we hear Kyle say, “I don’t owe her an apology.” There are lots of disjointed pieces purposely shuffling around this moment on Tuku that will be revealed in the next episode.


Sue’s line, in particular, “the rage on her face that put the nail on the coffin,” suggests a rather pre-tribal council decision, so it may mean that the tribe will be going to tribal next. Following the relationships we saw from Episode 1, there’s a majority clique on Tuku—Sue, Gabe, Caroline—who I think may vote out Kyle as a result of this upcoming conflict, with the help of Tiyana.

However, I’m also entertaining the possibility of Sue orchestrating something that sends Tiyana home instead, not wanting to work with her after seeing her angry reactions toward Gabe/Kyle so early in the game.

It’s very much up in the air at this point! Currently I’m leaning towards Tiyana getting voted out, noting that tribes do tend to keep their strength to win reward and immunity challenges. I’m looking forward to another interesting season!

Written by

Stephanie Lauw

Stephanie is an English literature and film graduate from Singapore who spends too much time analyzing her favorite TV shows. Besides patiently waiting for an Asian version of Survivor she can take part in, Stephanie enjoys dabbling with music, sound production, and writing, and would travel across the country for good Ayam Buah Keluak. Steph writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Next Time On Survivor feature.

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