Survivor South Africa Season 8 Power Rankings (Round 8)

Jacques and Meryl make their Episode 9 predictions.

For the first time ever here on Inside Survivor, we will be bringing you Survivor South Africa Power Rankings. As the battle to outplay and outwit goes down on the Wild Coast of South Africa, another showdown will be taking place right here between two Survivor veterans.

Fighting it out for Power Rankings supremacy are two past Survivor SA castaways, both from Island of Secrets, Jacques Burger and Meryl Szolkeiwicz. Meryl finished in 13th place on Survivor SA, while Jacques made it to 7th place. But who will come out on top in the Power Rankings? Let battle commence!

In Round 7, Jacques ranked Marisha in 4th place, earning him 4 points. Meryl, meanwhile, had Marisha ranked at 8th, bagging her 8 points. Let’s see how this week turns out!


We use the Gordon Holmes format of Power Rankings. Each week the two power rankers create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the rankers will earn. For example, if the person you ranked in 1st place is eliminated in the next episode, you will recieve 1 point. If the person you ranked in 20th place is eliminated, you will receive 20 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Power Rankings Champion.





Although Renier's alliance got blindsided last week, he is still the one in the driving seat. His crew looked to him for guidance with the idol's retrieval and execution - a testament to where he is in their hierarchy. Let's see if he can turn it around and take one of his opponents out this week!
Power play by Anesu this round. This is the kind of game I’ve been waiting for from her side. Understated, but integral! Knowing when not to play and to show restraint has been her strength. She played double agent, still voted with her alliance and even stepped down from the challenge - she seemed quite comfortable up there.
Amy's stealth game was once again on par. She was never the target, and her instincts were on point, anticipating that the opposition might play their idol to save someone else. I highly doubt that she will be caught off guard again!
Kiran is the mastermind behind the Vuna OG’s and also has amazing trust with his allies. He pulled out a wonderful victory, the first individual immunity necklace (3-and-a-half hours!!) of the season. He is sitting pretty and has been ready to play!
The fact that Nicole was the decoy name given out, indicates that she won't be a target soon. There are lots of shrewd players out there this season. They'll know that Zamba is expecting a move on Nicole and will shift the target. Up until now, Nicole has also played a slightly passive game. Last week's tribal will undoubtedly force her to enter the fray and play a bit more proactively - very excited to see how she handles the next couple of episodes!
Tyson was my player of the day. What a move to play the Immunity Island Idol and his hidden immunity idol. It shows tremendous trust in his allies. He couldn’t have pulled this move without them. His plan to put the dummy vote on Nicole worked out so sweetly and they all pulled a most memorable first merge tribal.
Tyson is actively building a resume. Unfortunately for him, the other players are aware of that. Two excellent idol plays are a great way to win the million. He needs to either cool his game down or shift the target. Or win out immunities and/or find every idol out there to stay in the game. Let's see what tactic he applies!
Amy has been playing a low-key game. She has good relationships across all the tribe swaps. She has been to so many tribals and has been able to stay somewhat invisible, which is the best thing for a game of people who are trying to pull big moves. She has a good read on people and is completely underrated.
A sneaky play by Anesu, voting Chappies so she can play innocent at the post-tribal fallout. Her tiptoe of aligning with everybody is working out for her so far. I do fear that after the next tribal, the original Vuna alliance will know she's not with them. Once that happens and the news is out in the open, we are going to see Anesu's true social game come into play! She does also have a tribal pass which could be crucial for her if she sniffs out that her name is on the block.
Wardah was less vocal this episode. I love her fire at tribal. Her alliance did so good and she was high on the threat level because of her social game, but perhaps the rest of the threats came out from their shelter.
Currently portrayed as the mastermind, Kiran is playing an excellent game. His read is on point and his ability to anticipate moves are excellent. Where I do fear for him is that he and Tyson are seen as a duo now. If he loses his right-hand man, can he adjust and play with the rest of players?
Renier has been someone who has been able to be extremely strategic, but able to hide behind people. This episode, he, unfortunately, had to stick out his head (and his idol). He is calm and collected and I think if he had enough time to read the room, he might have played his idol correctly.
What would tribal council be without Shaun putting his foot in his mouth? It makes for excellent tv moments, but I fear for how it's perceived by the rest of the players. Can you keep insulting players at tribal and then ask them to give you the money at the end? Time will tell.
Shaun has always been on the right side of the vote... except this time. He had a feeling about the plan that unfolded. I would love for him, Amy and Renier to fully put their strategic minds together.
Anela is in a tricky spot! He's still high on Wardah's radar who's out for revenge. He's also a physical threat, making him a prime target of the opposing alliance. Up until now, he's been shown as a friendly face who gets along with most. I hope his social game can bail him out and keep him in the game a while longer.
Santoni aka 007. It’s amazing how she moves in between these alliances. How she is able to smile and take criticism without speaking her mind. She has been a season favourite and has been involved in many big moves. Everyone is becoming the wiser and I don't know if she can keep this double-agent up for much longer.
It's clear Chappies is persona non grata right now with his only true ally being Santoni. Hopefully the heroics of Tyson gives him an avenue to reach out and join Tyson, Kiran and Anesu for the long run. He's also a physical player who can go on a challenge run and win a streak of immunities.
Chappies’ name comes up every single episode... every single episode and yet he makes it. It is quite remarkable. He can search for idols in front of everyone, is a real showman, and is definitely a physical threat. He still has the bracelet, so maybe he can use it as a bluff and make it longer in the game.
Still on Anela's radar as the prime target, Wardah is in trouble. With Marisha out of the game, Wardah is the strongest female left. This raises her threat level considerably and ensures she's the logical target of the opposition. The test of Wardah's strategic abilities will be the true test if she can survive right now.
We saw a few episodes back that Nicole is Santoni’s nemesis in the game. Maybe the next episode will see them facing-off. She has also lost her closest ally now.
Sonskyn Santoni again at the bottom of my list! Word's out that she's the mole and I don't see her getting back into the good books of the Zamba's she just betrayed. She is an easy consensus vote if the two alliances want to call a temporary truce. Let's hope she can find another idol or get sent to immunity island by Chappies!
Anela has been on Wardah’s radar, he also played his advantage and is now vulnerable with numbers not being on his side.

Written by

Martin Holmes

Martin is a freelance writer from England. He’s represented by Berlin Associates for comedy writing and writes about TV and entertainment, currently for TV Insider and Vulture, previously Digital Spy, ET Canada, and Yahoo. A finalist for the Shortlist Sitcom Search in 2012 for “Siblings,” Martin received his BA in English with Creative Writing from The University of Hull. Martin is the owner and editor-in-chief of Insider Survivor.

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