Each week Inside Survivor contributor Rob Brodeur will be collecting various Survivor-related statistics and information based on the latest episode of Survivor 48.
Tribe Swap
- This is the third tribe swap in the new era, and the second one where everyone swapped tribes.
- Survivor 44 had a tribe swap, but only one person from each tribe was swapped to another tribe.
- All three new era swaps happened in episode 4.
- Vula is the only tribe that doesn’t have a sole representative of the original tribes.
- Lagi – Mary is the only original Vula on the tribe.
- Civa – Bianca is the only original Lagi on the tribe.
- Chrissy, Eva, Mitch, and Star are the only players to remain on their original tribes after the swap.
- Civa is the only tribe that was evenly split between the new tribes.
- Lagi – Charity & David
- Civa – Chrissy & Mitch
- Vula – Kamilla & Kyle
- Vula is the sixth starting tribe to not contain any original members at some point in the game. The others are as follows:
- Maraamu in Marquesas – After Gina was voted out, only original Rotu members remained.
- Mogo Mogo in All-Stars – All original Mogo Mogo members ended up on Chapera after the tribe swap.
- Nuku in Game Changers – After JT was voted out, only original Mana members remained.
- Soko in Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers – After Roark was voted out, only original Yawa and Levu members remained.
- Manu in Edge of Extinction – After Wendy was voted out, only original Kama members remained.
- Vula is the second tribe to no longer contain any original members following the outcome of a tribe switch after Mogo Mogo. Coincidentally, both tribes are green.
- This is the first time that a swapped tribe went to tribal council where none of the players had previously attended tribal council.
- Kyle used his hidden immunity idol negating three votes against him.
- Nobody has been voted out while in possession of a hidden immunity idol since Survivor 46 where five people were voted out with one.
- Kyle is the first man since Josh in Survivor 44 to correctly play an idol and negate votes to either avoid being voted out or avoid a tied vote.
- Coincidentally, both of these players played their idols during a tied vote.
- Thomas is the second player to be voted out with an unused vote steal advantage after Brad in Survivor 41.
- Coincidentally, they were both on green tribes when they were voted out.
Immunity Challenge – “Stage 48”
- Variations of this challenge were used in San Juan del Sur, Game Changers, Island of the Idols, Survivor 44, and Survivor 47
- Every time this challenge was used, the winner of the season was on the winning tribe.
- This is the first time the temple puzzle has been used since episode 1 of Redemption Island.
- Every time a purple tribe competed in this challenge, they won.
- Vokai in Island of the Idols, Tika in Survivor 44, and Lagi in Survivor 48.
- Both times this challenge was used with orange, purple, and green tribes competing, the green tribe lost.
- Vula is the sixth tribe in Survivor history to lose the first four immunity challenges.
- Maraamu in Marquesas
- Ulong in Palau
- Ravu in Fiji
- Matsing in Philippines
- Tadhana in Blood vs. Water
- Yanu in Survivor 46
- This has only happened in seasons that were filmed in island countries located in the Pacific Ocean (Marquesas, Micronesia, Fiji, and The Philippines).
- Coincidentally, all six of these tribes have different colors.
- Tadhana – Red
- Ravu – Orange
- Maraamu – Yellow
- Vula – Green
- Ulong – Blue
- Yanu – Purple
- Vula is the first tribe since Tadhana to go to the first four tribal councils, as Yanu only attended tribal councils in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th episode. (Randen was medically evacuated in episode 2, and Siga went to tribal council in episode 5).
- Vula is the third tribe in a three-starting tribe season to lose the first four immunity challenges.
- The first was Matsing in Philippines, and the second was Yanu in Survivor 46.
- Siga is the only new era green tribe to make it to episode 4 without losing any original members.
- Survivor 41 – Ua had lost Sara, Brad, and JD by episode 4.
- Survivor 42 – Vati had lost Jenny by episode 4
- Survivor 44 – Soka had lost Claire by episode 4.
- Survivor 48 – Vula had lost Stephanie, Kevin, and Justin by episode 4.
- Lagi has won every challenge they’ve competed in so far this season.
- Kamilla, Kyle, and Sai had the most confessionals this episode with 6.
- Episode 3 is the only time this season so far where Sai didn’t have the highest number of confessionals in an episode.
- Episode 1 – 21 confessionals.
- Episode 2 – 7 confessionals (tied with David).
- Episode 4 – 6 confessionals (tied with Kamilla & Kyle).
- Episode 3 is the only time this season so far where Sai didn’t have the highest number of confessionals in an episode.
- Star had 0 confessionals this episode.
- Sai has the most confessionals so far this season with 40.
- Chrissy has the lowest number of confessionals so far this season with 5.
Tribal Council
- Thomas was voted out 2-0 after an initial 3-3 vote.
- Seasons 44-48 had an LGBTQ+ player be eliminated in 15th place.
- Survivor 44 – Claire
- Survivor 45 – Sean
- Survivor 46 – Bhanu
- Survivor 47 – Kishan
- Survivor 48 – Thomas
- 15th place is tied with 9th & 12th place for most LGBTQ players with the placement. All of these placements have 7 players.
- Everyone that went to tribal this episode was there for the first time this season.
- This was the first time this season that Sai, Mary, and Cedrek didn’t attend tribal council.
- This was the first episode this season where Sai did not receive a vote.
- Episode 1 was the only tribal council where no votes were nullified.
- Episode 2 and 4 had votes nullified by a hidden immunity idol play.
- Episode 3 had votes nullified by Mary’s shot in the dark.
- This was the first tribal this season where everyone cast a vote.
- Lagi is the first new era purple tribe to not lose three players in the first four episodes.
- Survivor 44 – Tika lost Bruce, Helen, and Sarah.
- Survivor 46 – Yanu lost Jelinsky, Jess, and Bhanu.
Episode Title
- The episode title “The House Party’s Over” was said by Joe.
- Episode 2 is the only episode so far where the person who said the episode title didn’t go to tribal council in that episode (Charity).
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