Australian Survivor: Brains v Brawn II

Episode 15 Recap – I’m Not Your Buddy, Friend

What went down in the latest episode?

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No one said lousy gameplay had to be boring, too, which Myles proved as he had his moment in the sun while also burning down every bridge in his way. This season has had several ups and downs, but one thing has remained consistent: most of these players have thrived in chaos, and more of it seems to be on its way as the next phase of the game has begun. 

Everyone is still reeling from the Jungle Rat’s chaos at the previous tribal, including Logan, who is furious with Myles for hijacking her move against Paulie, and Kristen for having her idol taken away and used against her ally PD. Logan confronts AJ, as she knows he was aware of Myles’ advantage and feels he betrayed her again. Ironically, AJ and Logan keep pretending they’re allies when both have repeatedly tried to eliminate each other. Still, pretences must be kept on Survivor until the last possible second between these two. 

For their part, Myles and AJ can’t contain their joy and giddiness about what transpired. Myles admits this move was worth it, even if it ultimately cost him the win. Myles reveals to AJ that he has another idol, cementing their euphoria for the rest of the night. 

The following day, Paulie pledges his undying love and gratitude to Myles for saving him. However, Myles sees Paulie as a number and, in reality, wants to work with the Graduates alliance, which includes AJ, Karin, Zara, and Kaelan, which is also a way to counter any possibility of the women banding together and taking out the few men still left. All Graduates are on board with working together, except for Karin, who is still angry at AJ for hiding his immunity idol from her. After a conversation, Karin agrees to AJ’s face that she will rejoin the Graduates but secretly considers this alliance null and void. 

Paulie Myles
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At the reward challenge, the players are split into two groups to compete for an American feast. The blue team, consisting of Myles, AJ, Kate, Paulie, Karin, and Kristen, gets the win, and they later enjoy a feast for the ages. During their meal, Myles reveals he doesn’t want Logan to win individual immunity and doesn’t care if this information will get back to her. For good measure, Myles also reveals to Kristen and everyone else except for AJ about Logan’s idol, increasing Logan’s target exponentially. 

Back at camp, the women, particularly Logan, discuss splitting the vote between AJ and Myles to break the buddy system. Zara reveals this plan to Kaelan, who was once again MIA, and both agree they won’t follow through. However, Laura and Logan notice them, making them wary of Zara again. 

Before the individual immunity challenge begins, a funny instance occurs when JLP asks Karin how the reward was. Karin reveals she became violently ill after eating ten burgers and nearly had to be hospitalised, to which JLP cheekily replies, “Excellent.” Later, to almost everyone’s horror, JLP reveals the challenge to be the iconic “Last Gasp/Hold Your Breath.”

After an epic battle that lasted over an hour, Kaelan wins his second immunity back-to-back, proving all his fishing trips were covert training operations to win this challenge. Just before the tribe leaves for plotting time, JLP announces the next person voted out will be the first jury member. 

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Once everyone returns to their camp, the scramble begins. The main target remains between the AJ/Myles and Logan/Laura duos as both sides start recruiting members for the upcoming battle. Logan thinks she holds the necessary majority to send AJ to the jury, unsuspecting that neither Kate nor Morgan want him gone and are planning to blindside her instead. Kate tells AJ he’s the target on the other side’s coalition, leaving AJ fearing for his life, but Myles reassures him they have the numbers. 

AJ and Myles recognise that the only person who might flip is Karin, but they think there’s no way she could get enough votes to do anything else. Indeed, Karin considers keeping Logan as a shield and informing her to play her idol to flush it. Yet, Karin is still doubtful regarding what direction to take, as she can’t stand the hubris AJ and Myles have amassed, but she doesn’t want to lose her number one, Zara, in the process either. 

Laura and Myles also converse about continuing to work together. While Laura is truthful about AJ being a target, Myles is ready to burn Laura by voting out her bestie Logan or Laura herself if an idol is played. AJ and Logan continue their cat-and-mouse routine as they keep feeding nonsense to each other, leaving to wonder who will prevail over the other. 

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At tribal council, after JLP inquiries about the fallout following Myles’ move, Laura poignantly says to him that the toes he steps on today could be attached to the asses he will have to kiss tomorrow. Karin chooses to tell Logan to play her idol for herself. While trying to remain calm, Logan tells Laura about what Karin said, and Laura tries to find out what is happening amid tribal going around them. Morgan and Zara play deaf to Laura’s questions, and Laura/Logan are shocked when Zara says this tribal will continue what Myles started. Logan decides to play her idol and ends up cancelling six votes against her, but this move sends Laura to the jury in a 3-2 vote against AJ.

Well, Laura, the white witch, is now the first jury member, leaving her vengeful bestie Logan behind to pick up the pieces. According to the preview, Karin will seemingly be in the hot seat, but a shocking twist at the auction (!!!) might shake things up once more. Will AJ/Myles continue their hot strike? Will an OG Coven member succeed in their revenge quest, or will a new Supreme arise? Next Sunday can’t get here soon enough.  

Written by

Mariana Loizaga

Mariana is a lawyer and a writer from Mexico City, Mexico. She has a masters degree in International Relations from the University of Surrey. Her hobbies include reading, blogging, and of course watching Survivor. The first season of Survivor she ever saw was Survivor: Philippines and she became so fascinated with the game and its many layers that she went back through the archives and watched every single previous season.

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