Survivor: Kaôh Rōng is underway and so are the Inside Survivor Power Rankings. Each week, I (Martin “Redmond” Holmes) will test my mettle against Survivor veteran Kelley Wentworth.
In Round 10, Kelley and Martin both received 8 points for ranking Scot in 8th place. Martin still leads overall with 104 points, and Kelley follows closely behind with 99 points.
The Rules
Each week the power rankers will create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the three rankers will earn. For example, if Cydney was voted out in Episode 11, Martin would receive 2 points and Kelley would receive 3 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Power Rankings Champion.
If the player ranked in 1st place finds an idol you gain 10 points.
If the player ranked in last place isn’t eliminated but receives a vote(s) against them you gain 5 points.
If the player ranked in 1st place wins individual immunity you gain 10 points (post-merge).
Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Power Rankings Round 11
1. |
1. “I mean besides Jeffy Probst, Aubry the biggest boss here.” #ViewsFromTheFinal6 |
2. |
2. Off with their heads! #QueenCyd |
3. |
3. You can always tell a Milford man. |
4. |
4. Ba da ba ba ba. I’m lovin’ it. |
5. |
5. Embarrassment of riches. |
6. |
6. There’s as much Brawn in Aubry as there is in him. I don’t think they share the same amount of brains though. |
7. |
7. They still execute for treason. But who will be beheaded first? Julia or Mark the Chicken? |
Agree? Disagree? Let Kelley and Martin know on Twitter.
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With the exception of Cydney and Joe these are the same. I 3ould do it as 1. Mark the chicken 2. Aubry. 3. Tai. 4. Joe 5. Cydney 6. Michele 7. Kyle Jason 8. Julia
I do feel like Julia is going bye bye next epi…and that thought makes me happy.
1 Aubry
2 Cidney
3 Joe
4 Michelle
5 Tai
6 Julia
7 Jason
Best article of the week! Love the gifts 🙂
Haha brilliant gifs. Mark for the win
When you do these, do you just do a straight “safety” rank, or are you trying to maximize points based on your bonus rules? That is, put who you think will win immunity at the top, and who you think will receive votes but NOT go home last, and then who you think actually leaves second to last… the would get you more points.
Julia is toast. She’s out this week, too cute too popular too much traitor stuff and landed on the wrong team. The only mystery is going to be what Michele is doing regarding her BFF.