Survivor South Africa Season 8 Power Rankings (Round 11)

Jacques and Meryl make their Episode 12 predictions.

For the first time ever here on Inside Survivor, we will be bringing you Survivor South Africa Power Rankings. As the battle to outplay and outwit goes down on the Wild Coast of South Africa, another showdown will be taking place right here between two Survivor veterans.

Fighting it out for Power Rankings supremacy are two past Survivor SA castaways, both from Island of Secrets, Jacques Burger and Meryl Szolkeiwicz. Meryl finished in 13th place on Survivor SA, while Jacques made it to 7th place. But who will come out on top in the Power Rankings? Let battle commence!

In Round 10, Jacques ranked Anesu in 6th place, earning him 6 points. Meryl had Anesu ranked in 1st place, only earning her 1 point. Let’s see how this week turns out!


We use the Gordon Holmes format of Power Rankings. Each week the two power rankers create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the rankers will earn. For example, if the person you ranked in 1st place is eliminated in the next episode, you will recieve 1 point. If the person you ranked in 20th place is eliminated, you will receive 20 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Power Rankings Champion.





Somehow the guy who was destined to be the merge boot made the top of my list this week. He is now in possession of the Tribal Council Pass, an advantage that nobody has any knowledge about. If Chappies wins Immunity, he can make a strategic play with the advantage. If he loses, he can hit the eject button and survive. Expect some fireworks from the Tribal Council Pass/Santoni Idol/Immunity Island this week!
What makes Survivor especially difficult to play is your moral compass and being the person you are back home, within the game and with all the gameplay that takes place. I think Chappies (Aquaman 2.0) just gets this right. He came into the game as the Golden Boy of the season and he continues to live that out. He has made definite choices to win the favour of castaways.
If I was wagering pre-season on the odds of Santoni making the top 7 (with an idol to spare!), I would have been a poor individual today. I'm sure that Santoni and Chappies will survive this round. The best strategy for them would be to take out a threat in the Kiran-Wardah-Tyson trio. If they can pull this off without using the idol it would set them up so good for the endgame.
Anela seems to be on everyone’s BFF list. To be honest, I’m not sure where his heart completely lies. We see that he has a final 3 deal already, which makes me think that he isn’t perceived as playing the game as hard as the others.
Nicole is in an interesting position. Her ability to win crucial immunities and ensuring she has good connections with everybody has been a great strategy. While nobody is seeing her as a threat or a nemesis, she is inching her way closer and closer to a spot at the final tribal council.
SLANGtoni! She might have missed the snake challenge on Immunity Island, but she is definitely slithering a beautiful CV for an end game. Sitting on an idol again, with an impressive knowledge of where 4 idols have been during the game. She may not be athletic, and she is the eldest castaway, but she is putting in the work every day.
Tyson has saved Chappies' life before. I think that might factor into Chappies and Santoni's decision on who they target. However, once that debt is repaid I can see Tyson declaring all-out war on Chappies. I hope Tyson can keep his cool and play this game in a cutthroat and calculated way instead of letting his emotions take control of him.
Tyson - my day one! He is on top of the game. I hope it lasts til the end. I think that his alliance of 3 is now public enemy number 1 and the jury doesn’t seem to like them much either. He and Kiran have made such a power team.
A student of the game and analytical mastermind, I'm very interested to see how Kiran navigates this next vote. He has all the info he needs to make a move. Will it be the selfish play and throw one of his own allies under the bus or do we see him potentially working the opposition to ensure his torch doesn't get snuffed?
Nicole again shared some great moments during the reward challenge. I am hoping that she partners with Chappies and forms a different 3... He always seems to lose his closest alliance member, though? She is a challenge beast and proved her character by being the only person who went up against him in the immunity challenge.
Wardah and Santoni have not been seeing eye to eye for a while now. I can easily see Santoni making the case to go after Wardah. It also appears as if Kiran and Tyson have more loyalty towards each other than to her. They might just throw her under the bus to save their own skins. Wardah has however been a warrior and good in the challenges. Can she win Immunity and give herself some leverage to dictate the next vote?
I’m nervous for Wardah. Her closest allies are both eager to see her go in the next few votes, and I don’t know if she has sufficient social capital to save herself. She is also able to put up a verbal fight, and to go against her confidence at final 3 will be a tall task.
It's always interesting when a big alliance starts cannibalizing themselves, how they reach out and make plans with people at the bottom. This is how Anela got his final three deal with Kiran and Tyson. However, I think it was only sweet nothings whispered to him to help them in the upcoming vote. When it comes down to the wire, I think the original Vuna members will throw anybody under the bus to keep their numbers up, the most expendable player being Anela. He has however pulled many a Houdini moment and survived against all odds. Perhaps he can skate by this one again!
Kiran has been cool, calm, and collected. He reads the game, knows the players, and anticipates their moves. He is also a proven challenge beast and THE most likely player to win the game, which is why he is at the bottom of my list.

Written by

Martin Holmes

Martin is a freelance writer from England. He’s represented by Berlin Associates for comedy writing and writes about TV and entertainment, currently for TV Insider and Vulture, previously Digital Spy, ET Canada, and Yahoo. A finalist for the Shortlist Sitcom Search in 2012 for “Siblings,” Martin received his BA in English with Creative Writing from The University of Hull. Martin is the owner and editor-in-chief of Insider Survivor.

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