Jeff Probst on Pre-Challenge Strategy & Future of One-Time Idols

The ‘On Fire’ podcast could help influence future seasons.

Photo: CBS

Survivor host Jeff Probst, producer Jeff Wolfe, and Survivor 46 runner-up Charlie Davis meet on the On Fire Podcast to discuss the third episode of Survivor season 47. The group talked about the importance of adaptability, how Probst sees the New Era of the show going, and why it is that we got to see the players strategising before the immunity challenge. Plus, Probst reveals how this podcast might influence the game. 

Probst started the episode by commenting on how much he loves the show’s New Era and its constant evolution, not only from a game perspective but due to what the audience gets to see as well. “The New Era to me doesn’t feel like separate seasons; it does feel like a series, and this is the next season of that series.” 

Then, when talking about the journey, Charlie advises future players that when they are recounting their adventure to their tribemates, to focus on who’s grilling them about it and who is just nodding and supporting, as this is indicative of who is trying to poke a hole into the story and who is on your side. Probst adds future players must work on their adaptability as well. 

Probst also revealed the real reason we got to see the players strategising before the immunity challenge, as the episode usually goes from Probst telling them to strategise to the camera panning out and with the challenge then starting. During an episode on the previous On Fire podcast season, Probst asked Dee Valladares about these intense moments before a challenge begins and how they might directly impact the results based on the players’ decisions.

Based on Dee’s commentary, Probst and production decided to show this moment to the audience this season. “Let’s just look for an opportunity next season where the strategy discussion of one tribe actually plays out on the challenge, and it has a direct impact on the result, either positive or negative.”

As Dee’s comments impacted this season, Probst brings up what Charlie said on last week’s episode regarding immunity idols, which are only usable for one tribal council. Charlie explained to Probst that if idols can only be used once, then there’s no risk for players misplaying them, and they will be used as they guarantee that players will be safe without consequences. As this prospect clearly takes away the ‘dangerous fun concept’ production loves so much this New Era, Probst promised to bring Charlie’s thoughts back to production, inferring these types of idols probably won’t make a comeback.

“I like that this podcast is also going to influence Survivor!” Probst proudly declared, so stay tuned, fans, as this podcast might reveal much more of what will come on the show. 

Written by

Mariana Loizaga

Mariana is a lawyer and a writer from Mexico City, Mexico. She has a masters degree in International Relations from the University of Surrey. Her hobbies include reading, blogging, and of course watching Survivor. The first season of Survivor she ever saw was Survivor: Philippines and she became so fascinated with the game and its many layers that she went back through the archives and watched every single previous season.

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