Big Brother All-Stars

Episode 24 Recap – OTEV’s Psychedelic Veto

Who won the Veto?

Photo: CBS

Something exciting will happen this week, just maybe not this round. The Committee has been perfect with their HOH wins, which means they have controlled the entire game so far. With a triple eviction looming, the houseguests need to win the Power of Veto in order to ensure their safety. Will the winner of the Veto use it on themselves or someone on the nomination block, or will they continue to keep the nominations the same? Let’s find out.

In the last episode, the Committee’s reign continued as Cody won HOH and nominated Kevin and David for eviction. This was a pretty easy decision for him, as he is working with everyone else in the game. However, he has been toying around with the idea of backdooring Christmas if either of the nominees wins the Veto. Cody sees Christmas as a threat to his game, and so does Dani.

Before the Veto selection, David and Kevin had a great conversation about biracial visibility. Kevin, who is half Japanese and half Black, feels that he cannot fit in due to his racial identity. Kevin has had quite the journey so far, and for him to feel this way and to address it is very brave.

There was some drama at the Veto selection ceremony. Christmas, who was not a nominee, threw a temper tantrum that she was not selected to play in the competition. Others tried to console her, but to me, it just looked like she was butthurt she wouldn’t be able to save herself from possibly being backdoored this week. Her breakdown did not help her case, as it annoyed people like Dani and Enzo, who already wanted to see Christmas be evicted.

Someone who didn’t want to go along with this plan was Nicole. She did not want to take Christmas out and told Christmas that Dani wants her to go this week. This was not surprising, as Nicole has historically not worked well with other women in the Big Brother house. Nicole would rather continue working with Cody than try to form a better alliance with Dani. It is disappointing to watch, but it has worked for Nicole in the past.

Photo: CBS

It’s now time for the Veto competition, and it’s a Big Brother classic—OTEV! This time though, there was a twist. You could either try to win the Veto or give up that opportunity for a chance to win $10,000. During the first round, David found the hidden t-shirt, giving him a chance to win that money. Knowing he’s not the target this week, David decided to take the $10,000 and eliminate himself from the competition. This infuriated the other players even though they don’t really care about David or his position in the game anyways. I think David made the right decision, as he isn’t the target this week and isn’t in the best spot in the game anyways. It’s easy to take $10,000 if you think your chance to win the grand prize isn’t possible. The rest of the competition is redundant as Kevin got eliminated third, and Cody ended up winning.

You can probably guess how the rest of the episode went. There was some “talk” of Christmas being backdoored, but it was all just for show. Cody decided not to use the Veto, leaving David and Kevin as the final nominees this week.

So who goes? Kevin, after being nominated five times this season, will finally be evicted from the Big Brother house and will join Ian and Da’Vonne on the jury. Kevin won’t be alone, though, as two more players will be eliminated in Thursday’s two-hour Triple Eviction episode. If the right person wins power, the house dynamic could be completely changed up. If the way this season has gone is any indicator, that probably won’t happen. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, though!

Written by

Daniel Kennedy

Daniel hails from Nashville, TN, and you can normally find him watching Eurovision, playing with his cat Eden, or drinking a glass of wine. He has been a lifelong Survivor fan, despite hating every bug imaginable. He received his BA in Public Relations and Entertainment Management from the University of Alabama in 2018. Daniel is an Inside Survivor contributor who is currently recapping Big Brother.

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