Survivor: Kaôh Rōng is underway and so are the Inside Survivor Power Rankings. Each week, I (Martin “Redmond” Holmes) will test my mettle against Survivor veterans Jeff Varner and Kelley Wentworth.
In Round 7, no points were gained due to the medical evacuation of Neal Gottlieb.
As we have now reached the merge Inside Survivor Power Rankings will be eliminating the ranker with the lowest points, which means we say goodbye to Jeff Varner, who leaves the competition with 51 points. The battle now continues between Martin, who currently leads with 80 points and Kelley Wentworth who has 74 points.
The Rules
Each week the three power rankers will create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the three rankers will earn. For example, if Scot was voted out in Episode 8, Martin would receive 9 points and Kelley would receive 7 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Power Rankings Champion.
If the player ranked in 1st place finds an idol you gain 10 points.
If the player ranked in last place isn’t eliminated but receives a vote(s) against them you gain 5 points.
If the player ranked in 1st place wins individual immunity you gain 10 points (post-merge).
Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Power Rankings Round 8
1. Full on HBIC. | 1. As I’m currently in Dallas, Texas for Wrestlemania, this week’s rankings will be wrestling themed. Right now, Nick is the Cesaro swing vote of Kaoh Rong. |
2. I feel pretty. Oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and bright. | 2. Beautiful and Dangerous #TeamBAD. |
3. He spent so much time focused on the chicken he didn’t notice Scot blowing up his game. | 3. To be the man, you gotta beat the man. Wooooo! |
4. No idea what she’s doing other than agreeing with everyone else. | 4. Know your role and shut your mouth (especially when eating). |
5. Has a knack for spotting big bulges. | 5. You can’t see me! |
6. The staph infection got ahold of the geeks before the jocks even had a chance to. | 6. And that’s the bottom line because Cydney said so. |
7. Doesn’t have his own idol, but will tell everyone about yours. | 7. It’s time to get aboard the Joooooe Train! |
8. Strategy is non-existent in this one. | 8. If ya smelllll, what the Bracco is cooking! |
9. When you’re on the bottom the only place to go is up. *This is not meant to be an inspirational quote*. | 9. Oh you didn’t know? Your ass better call somebody! |
10. Still trying to understand if she’s the toilet or the toilet paper. Both are pretty sh***y. | 10. Rest In Peace. |
Agree? Disagree? Let Kelley and Martin know on Twitter.
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Nooo why did Varner had to leave :”(( Did he want to give up? Becausr this didn’t happen last season with these rankings, so why noow
Was that a nice way to say that Varner didn’t want to do it anymore?
Theory- Jeff was cut from being a power ranker because he is participating in Survivor season 34 😀
Weird you guys put Nick so high up. He was the clear merge boot after last week.
sad that Varner is gone tho, loved to read his comments even though he was seriously off at times