Survivor: Heroes v Healers v Hustlers

Episode 10 & 11 Stats

Rob Brodeur breaks down all the stats from Episodes 10 & 11 of Survivor: HHH.

Each week Inside Survivor contributor Rob Brodeur will be collecting various Survivor related statistics and information based off the latest episode of Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers.

Tribal Council #1

  • JP was voted out 5-3-1
    • He’s the first non-Healer to be voted out post-merge.
    • He’s also the first Hero to be voted out since Alan in Episode 4.
  • Lauren is the first person this season to win individual immunity but not go home in the following episode.
  • This was the first time this season where Ryan didn’t vote for the person that went home.

Tribal Council #2

  • Joe was voted out 4-2-0.
    • Mike is now the only Healer remaining in the game.
    • Ryan played an idol, negating two votes against him.
  • Joe is the first person to be voted out that has played an idol this season.
  • Devon is now the only remaining player without any votes cast against him.
  • Ashley is the only female to receive votes against her during the post-merge in a tribal council where a man went home.
    • Lauren is the only other person to do this, she received a vote against her when Patrick went home.
  • Devon and Lauren are now the only players remaining to have perfect voting records.
  • Chrissy and Ryan didn’t vote for either of the players that went home this episode.
  • Jessica’s boot is so far the only post-merge vote in which only two people got votes against them.
    • Desi’s boot – 4-4-1-1
    • Cole’s boot – 7-1-0 (two votes for Mike negated by an idol)
    • JP’s boot – 5-3-1
    • Joe’s boot – 4-2-0 (two votes for Ryan negated by an idol)
  • This is the first double episode since San Juan Del Sur in which two men went home.
    • Game Changers – Ciera & Tony, Andrea & Michaela
    • Millennials vs. Gen X Chris & Jessica, Sunday & Will
    • Kaoh Rong – No double episode
    • Cambodia – Stephen & Ciera
    • Worlds Apart – Lindsey & Max
    • San Juan Del Sur – Reed & Alec
  • Ben has only voted for Healers during the post merge.
    • He voted for Jessica, Desi (twice), Cole, Mike, and Joe.


  • No two people in the Final 8 had been on the same tribe with each other the entire game.
    • Ashley – Levu to Levu
    • Ben – Levu to Yawa
    • Chrissy – Levu to Soko
    • Devon – Yawa to Levu
    • Joe – Soko to Levu
    • Lauren – Yawa to Yawa
    • Mike – Soko to Yawa
    • Ryan – Yawa to Soko
      • Soko to Soko is the only combination of pre-merge tribes that wasn’t represented in the merge.

Hidden Immunity Idol

  • Ben found the Solewa merge idol.
    • He’s the first Hero to find a hidden immunity idol.
  • Ryan played the fourth hidden immunity idol this season.
    • Every idol that has negated votes this season has negated exactly two votes.
    • Only one idol played so far (Joe in Episode 4) has been successful in saving the player.
    • Nobody has played an idol on someone else this season.


  • JP once again had 0 confessionals this episode.
    • He had only 5 confessionals in ten episodes, which puts his average confessional count at 0.5 for the season.
    • He now has the fourth worst confessional average for players that made the merge.
      • 1. Whitney Duncan – 0.36 (4 confessionals in 11 episodes)
      • 2. Leif Manson – 0.4  (4 confessionals in 10 episodes)
      • 3. Kelly Shinn – 0.45 (5 confessionals in 11 episodes)
      • 4. JP Hilsabeck – 0.5 (5 confessionals in 10 episodes)

Reward Challenge #1 – “The Game is Afoot”

  • This is the first reward that Chrissy, JP, and Joe didn’t participate in.
  • This challenge has previously been seen in San Juan Del Sur and Cambodia.
    • Baylor Wilson and Spencer Bledsoe previously won it.
    • This is the first season it was used as a reward challenge and not an immunity challenge.
  • The challenge name comes from a Tarzan quote in One World.

Immunity Challenge #1 – “Bermuda Triangles”

  • Ashley is the first Hero to win individual immunity.
  • This challenge has previously been seen in Marquesas, Pearl Islands, Panama, Caramoan, Cagayan, and Cambodia.
    • The triangular platform iteration has been used in Caramoan, Cagayan, Cambodia, and now Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers.

Reward Challenge #2 – “Kenny Log-ins”

  • Ashley, Ben, and Devon went on both rewards this episode.

Immunity Challenge #2 – “Driving Wheel”

  • Every woman that made the jury phase won individual immunity.
    • Desi, Lauren, Ashley, Chrissy.
  • Only female Heroes won immunity this episode.
  • Cole is the only male to win individual immunity so far.
  • Both challenges in the first half of the episode were previously used challenges, while the challenges in the second half of the episode were brand new challenges.
  • This is only the second season where four different women (Desi, Lauren, Ashley, Chrissy) have won individual immunity.
    • The last and only other time this happened was in Marquesas, where Tammy, Vecepia, Kathy, and Neleh won individual immunity.


Episode Title

  • The episode title “Buy One Get One Free” was said by Ryan when talking about the new “Coconuts” alliance of Joe and Mike.
  • This is the first episode since Episode 4 in which the title wasn’t said by Ben or Joe.
  • Jessica is the only female to have an episode title so far this season (in Episode 3).

Written by

Rob Brodeur

Rob hails from Boston, MA. He studied Architectural Engineering at college and has been following Survivor since the first season. Rob is married and has a dog named Snoopy. He also used to host Survivor ORGs (Online Reality Games) on Facebook. Rob writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Survivor Stats feature.

One response to “Episode 10 & 11 Stats”

  1. Joe also said the episode title after the first tribal when talking to Ryan back at camp, so I guess technically he did get the title again?

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