Survivor: Edge of Extinction

Episode 11 Stats

Rob Brodeur breaks down all the latest stats!

Photo: CBS

Each week Inside Survivor contributor Rob Brodeur will be collecting various Survivor related statistics and information based off the latest episode of Survivor: Edge of Extinction.

Tribal Council

  • Wardog was voted out 6-2.
    • Aubry’s vote out in episode 5 is the only unanimous initial vote (where the person who was voted out was the only person to vote not in the majority) so far this season.
      • Wendy’s vote-out was also unanimous, but it was a revote and she wasn’t eligible to vote.
  • Aurora has received votes from six out of the final nine players.
    • The only players to not vote for her are Ron and Victoria (and herself).
  • Rick is the first person to win individual immunity this season and not vote for the person that went home in the episode.
  • Gavin, Julie, Ron, and Victoria are still the only players to not receive votes against them so far this season.
    • They are all original Kama members.
  • Victoria is the only player to have a perfect voting record post-merge.
  • Lauren is the only Manu/Lesu member to not be voted out of the game.
  • The most recent three vote-outs have been Manu/Lesu members.
  • Eric is the only post-swap Manu member to be voted out post-merge so far.
  • The post-merge vote-outs so far have been three original Kama members in a row, then three original Manu members in a row.
  • Everyone that has been voted out so far voted for the person who went home at the previous tribal council.
    • Eric voted for Joe in episode 7, then he was voted out in episode 8.
    • Julia voted for Eric in episode 8, then she was voted out in episode 9
    • David voted for Julia in episode 9, then he was voted out in episode 10a.
    • Kelley voted for David in episode 10a, then she was voted out in episode 10b.
    • Wardog voted for Kelley in episode 10b, then he was voted out in episode 11.


  • Ron had the most confessionals this episode with 8.
  • Every player remaining in the game had at least one confessional this episode.
  • Kelley and Reem are the only players on the Edge of Extinction to get confessionals this episode. They both had 2.
  • Rick has the most confessionals so far this season with 31.
  • Chris and Julia have the fewest confessionals so far this season with 9 each.
    • They’re the only players whose confessional count this season aren’t in the double digits.

Edge of Extinction

  • There are now currently more players on the Edge of Extinction than there are players left in the game.

Reward Challenge – “Dressed to Keel”

  • Similar versions of this challenge has been previously seen in San Juan Del Sur and Ghost Island.
    • This season is the only time it was used post-merge, and as a reward challenge.
  • Julie is the only Kama player to win the reward challenge.
  • All three remaining Manu/Lesu players won the reward challenge in this episode.
  • Rick and Wardog have won both post-merge reward challenges so far.

Immunity Challenge – “Star Man”

  • Rick is the second person (after Aurora) to win individual immunity more than once this season.
  • Rick won both challenges this episode.


Episode Title

  • The episode title “Fasten Your Seatbelts” was said by Joe before Jeff read the votes at tribal council.
    • The original title of the episode was “La Cheeserie!” which was said by Rick after he won the immunity challenge, but it was changed.

Written by

Rob Brodeur

Rob hails from Boston, MA. He studied Architectural Engineering at college and has been following Survivor since the first season. Rob is married and has a dog named Snoopy. He also used to host Survivor ORGs (Online Reality Games) on Facebook. Rob writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Survivor Stats feature.

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