Survivor 47

Next Time On Survivor – Episode 6

Steph Lauw makes her predictions for the next episode!


Welcome to Season 47’s Next Time On Survivor weekly feature on the Inside Survivor site! If you’re new around here, I’m Steph from sunny, tropical, humid Singapore. This is a tiny space where I give my best attempts at understanding preview trailers and make my predictions for the show’s next episodes.

This week’s NTOS trailer begins with Rachel reading, “It’s day eleven and the game is about to change. Drop your buffs!” It’s great timing for her in particular — she was the only one on Gata who didn’t vote Anika out in the last episode. With the timing of this blindside and the sanctuary reward where Rachel’s connection with Teeny and Caroline was highlighted, I’m sure we’ll see her working with players from the other tribes, potentially to get her revenge on Andy, Sierra, and Sam.


Another interesting portion of the previews reminds us of the beware advantage that Sue found in Episode 4. While retrieving the immunity idol, Sue dropped a pot of red paint, which splattered in the jungle and on her. Though she tried her best to hide the evidence and clean up, Tiyana and Caroline noticed and it drew some slight suspicion, even though the matter was dropped.

Now, it seems that other players are about to find the evidence. It’s definitely going to raise more suspicion, especially if Tiyana or Caroline catch wind and draw the connection. Red paint has been used in past beware advantages, so it would be a rather straightforward conclusion for players who did their homework watching previous seasons. 

Even though Sue says, “I’m in trouble” in the trailer, I think that she’ll be able to weave her way out of this situation. From previous episodes, it seems that Tuku is keen on sticking together at the merge or potentially just trimming Tiyana off. I think Sue is cushioned enough with her Tuku tribemates to avoid being the target and may even use her idol to solidify her alliances. 


The NTOS trailer also reveals bits of the upcoming immunity challenge. Jeff says, “One will be safe. Twelve will not,” hinting that there isn’t a mergetory-type earn-the-merge twist as per new era convention at this stage of the game. 

However, it isn’t really Survivor without something different — the episode description discloses that someone will “earn a huge lead in the challenge.” This is likely linked to the trailer scene that shows the newly merged players running after someone declared “go!” I’m guessing the immunity challenge will be played in stages, gradually eliminating players until the end. The player that wins the advantage will probably get a head start or an express pass to a later stage. 

I’m excited for this next stage of the season! Heading in, we have two rather clear rivalries going on —nRome versus Sol and Tiyana versus Gabe. I predict the discussions and scrambling in the next episode will circle these two pairs. And if I had to pick, I think Tiyana will get voted out as she doesn’t have the advantages Rome has and doesn’t have the solid support of the Tuku players. 

What do you think will happen in Episode 6? Leave your predictions in the comments! 

Written by

Stephanie Lauw

Stephanie is an English literature and film graduate from Singapore who spends too much time analyzing her favorite TV shows. Besides patiently waiting for an Asian version of Survivor she can take part in, Stephanie enjoys dabbling with music, sound production, and writing, and would travel across the country for good Ayam Buah Keluak. Steph writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Next Time On Survivor feature.

One response to “Next Time On Survivor – Episode 6”

  1. I think it will be between Tiyana and Gabe for who goes home. I think the other tribes will want to even the playing field at 4 a piece. And Caroline has connections on the other tribes, Sue unfortunately has an idol and is seen as a non threat like I think it was said twice she is a sweetheart after the social hour. And Kyle I think still has a story going forward. I think it will come down to who the other tribes decide to side with get out the more dangerous looking Gabe or the safer option Tiyana. I am leaning towards Gabe

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