Survivor 47

Next Time On Survivor – Episode 3

Steph Lauw makes her predictions for the next episode!


Welcome to Season 47’s Next Time On Survivor weekly feature on the Inside Survivor site! If you’re new around here, I’m Steph from sunny, tropical, humid Singapore. This is a tiny space where I give my best attempts at understanding preview trailers and make my predictions for the show’s next episodes.

This week’s NTOS trailer opens rather intense with Anika confronting Sierra and Sam: “So, for starters, are you two dating?” This receives shocked reactions all around, especially from Sam, who is obviously irritated later on in the trailer.

Sam was already pretty unhappy with Anika in Episode 2 when he found the Beware Advantage with her around. He had to share the information with her and, subsequently, Rachel when he preferred keeping it to himself or with just Sierra. There seems to be more than one clash between Anika and Sam upcoming, and between the trailer and the actual episodes, it’s clear that Anika hasn’t been portrayed in the best of lights which doesn’t bode well for her longevity in the game.


I see Gata as divided into two alliances now—on one side; we have the supposed couple Sierra and Sam, and on the other, Rachel and Anika, who looks to be working more closely together. If this is the case, Andy may be the crucial swing vote should Gata be heading to tribal council. Recalling Rachel’s not-too-kind confessionals and responses toward Andy in the past episodes, I predict that Andy will join Sierra and Sam in sending Rachel home.

On the Lavo tribe, the preview again shows Rome’s cocky and over-confident attitude, declaring, “I feel like I’m running this game right now.” If this isn’t THE statement to make before an unceremonious downfall, I don’t know what is. In the preview trailer, Genevieve makes another unimpressed confessional about Rome, “He caught a few fish, like the kind you would have as a pet.”

Overall, nothing too different from the general vibe we got from Episode 2 of Lavo displeased by Rome’s noise. It’s definitely building up to some kind of confrontation, and Rome will obviously be a consideration to vote out if Lavo needs to go to tribal council.


For now, there isn’t much indication of this as Lavo’s preview scenes so far could have happened at any time and don’t heavily imply a pre-tribal-type conversation that overtly. I’m more inclined to believe that we’re gradually being primed to understand Rome’s over-confidence as the main conflict on Lavo before it peaks when he eventually has to go to tribal council down the line.

It’s still very early days, and we’re just starting to get to know the various tribes and players this season. At the moment, mostly because of the amount of content we’ve been getting from Gata, I will guess that they go to the tribal council in the next episode and vote out Rachel, who unfortunately didn’t form good enough connections with the majority.

What do you think will happen in Episode 3? Leave your predictions in the comments!

Written by

Stephanie Lauw

Stephanie is an English literature and film graduate from Singapore who spends too much time analyzing her favorite TV shows. Besides patiently waiting for an Asian version of Survivor she can take part in, Stephanie enjoys dabbling with music, sound production, and writing, and would travel across the country for good Ayam Buah Keluak. Steph writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Next Time On Survivor feature.

2 responses to “Next Time On Survivor – Episode 3”

  1. Why Rachel and not Annika is yellow loses?
    Id guess Annika if yellow loses.
    If Red goes I think it will be a split between Rome and Ayesha and since Rome has a one tribal idol he plays it and Ayesha goes
    But I think Blue will be making a return trip to tribal and Gabe will be the one to get clipped cause Kyle feels betrayed, Caroline only voted with him cause of his idol and T does trust him either. Id prefer sue to go thou

  2. I feel like you and I are watching 2 different seasons. I feel like Rachel has a good social game. I also don’t think it makes any sense to get rid of her, if Anika is the one causing all the drama. I also feel like if the Andy/Rachel issue was a big deal, it would’ve been mentioned again. I feel like it was a moment that passed. If that were truly an issue, Rachel’s name would’ve come up by Andy in Episode 1. Instead of Anika. It just doesn’t make sense to get rid of Rachel, when she’s not centered around the drama. I also find it weird that you’re singling Rachel our for comments against Andy, when none of her comments were actually unkind. She was completely correct. And everyone on that tribe was annoyed with him.

    I’m not sure what season you’re watching.

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