Survivor 47

Dream Tribe Game Final Scores

And the winners are…

Last year, we launched the latest edition of the Inside Survivor Dream Tribe Game, where readers could pick a team of four castaways they thought would perform well in Survivor 47. Each episode, participants earned points based on how the four castaways in their Dream Tribe performed, with the top three highest point-getters receiving a great prize courtesy of Inside Survivor.

Now that the season is over, it’s time to announce the top three highest point-getters for the Survivor 47 Dream Tribe Game. The winners are as follows:

    1. Zachary Plattner
    2. Jared Hollins
    3. Rob Brodeur

The prizes are as follows:

    • 1st Place: An Inside Survivor custom Buff and Survivor-related prize from Outcast Originals.
    • 2nd Place: An Inside Survivor custom Buff.
    • 3rd Place: An Inside Survivor custom Buff.

The winners will be contacted in the coming days with information on how to claim their prizes. The prizes will be sent out asap.

Below is the entire Dream Tribe Scoring Sheet and Leaderboard for the season.

Updated Scores After Season Finale:

Scroll to the right of the sheet to view the overall leaderboard.

Written by

Martin Holmes

Martin is a freelance writer from England. He’s represented by Berlin Associates for comedy writing and writes about TV and entertainment, currently for TV Insider and Vulture, previously Digital Spy, ET Canada, and Yahoo. A finalist for the Shortlist Sitcom Search in 2012 for “Siblings,” Martin received his BA in English with Creative Writing from The University of Hull. Martin is the owner and editor-in-chief of Insider Survivor.

2 responses to “Dream Tribe Game Final Scores”

    • I am resting the Dream Tribe game for Survivor 48. Just got a lot going on work wise and personally, so one less thing to have to keep track of. It will be back in the future.

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