Australian Survivor Season 2 Power Rankings (Round 7)

Flick Egginton and Nick Iadanza go head-to-head in the Australian Survivor Power Rankings.

While season two of Australian Survivor is now underway, another intense showdown is happening here on Inside Survivor. Former Australian Survivor Season 1 players, Flick Egginton and Nick Iadanza, who once faced off on the islands of Samoa, go to battle once more to determine the Inside Survivor Power Rankings champion.

In Round 6, Flick scored a total of 11 points by ranking Odette in 11th place. Nick scored a total of 6 points for ranking Odette in 6th place. That puts the overall scores at 134 for Flick and 104 for Nick.

The Rules

We use the Gordon Holmes format of Power Rankings. Each week the two power rankers create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the rankers will earn. For example, if the person you ranked in 1st place is eliminated in the next episode, you will recieve 1 point. If the person you ranked in 20th place is eliminated, you will receive 20 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Australian Survivor Power Rankings Champion.

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Jericho is in a good position. He's using Luke as his shield and isn't seen as a threat. He will be the one to watch out for!
Well, the merge brings around a reversal of fortunes for a lot of people, so that looms large in my picks this week. For that reason, I have this feeling that Tara is going to be around for a looong time.
Henry is king and has his pawns and followers. I have a feeling he's going to continue to be on top!
With so much uncertainty at a merge, one thing is certain. She has two types of idols. So surely she can’t be in that much trouble?
Luke is underrated by all of his tribemates and if this continues to happen he will slide his way through all the way until the end!
I think that mutiny was the best thing for him. Who is going after him if they all think they can work with him?
Tara will be the one that people will want to take far into this game as they will think they will be able to beat her. But you have to watch out for who you take to the end cause Tara is one to watch out for!
I can see her being in a powerful position to decide which side to go with as she has no strong ties to either side.
Locky has good connections and will be able to make it pretty far in this game.
Seems insulated nicely in the remainder of her alliance and I can see her being a key cog for the next few votes at least.
Anneliese is in a great position!!! She's working her social game and making great connections!
I only have her this high because she has the idol, otherwise, I could see her going around the same place I did last year.
Sarah is AMAZING! She has a great social game. but I worry that she will try to make a move and it will backfire on her.
We haven’t had enough confessional wise to tell me he will be safe. But I loved seeing more from Jarrad this week. Keep it up brother!
Ziggy is the one to watch out for! She has a super idol, and a few know about her idol, so I'm sure they will try to get rid of her.
Big game hunting is my feeling about the last four people on my list. Sarah is either out this week or playing till the final five.
Tessa has been a fighter this whole game and people would be silly to take her to the end cause she's got one hell of a story!
People are going to be going for Luke, but Jericho might be the easier option. Like when they go for the second in command.
I love Peter I just hope his not on the wrong end of a blindside.
Locky loves people knowing he is all about challenges. Is it now in the individual stage that this comes back to haunt him?
Jarrad is getting a really small edit which either means he makes it really far or is soon to go! I hope he can last longer but only time will tell!
His name is coming up A LOT from the other side. He will need a wing and a prayer to survive to the end.
I just don't think she will have the numbers come merge.
I just have this really bad feeling that he has played too big for too long. He is literally the entire package wrapped up in a manbun. How on earth is he going to avoid the target moving forward? That idol will only protect him for so long.

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3 responses to “Australian Survivor Season 2 Power Rankings (Round 7)”

  1. I thought about last two episodes. It was either Sarah going home or Sarah winning the whole thing. She certainly has a winner edit.

  2. Honestly I can’t see the Tessa/Jarred/Peter alliance being successful. Locky/Henry/Annaliese are obviously going to hook up with Sarah/Tara, and Luke/Jericho with Michelle. I have no clue where Ziggy lies, as though Tessa and Jarred were saying they were still strong, she did tell the other alliance about the idol. To be honest I could see Peter easily being the first vote out of the merge, either that or Jericho/Luke. They were the bigger challenge threats of the respective alliances. So either we will see Tara and Sarah use their connections to form an alliance of 8/9 or Locky will use his. No matter what I definitely think our winner is sitting in that group of 5, my money probably on Sarah, as I do think Henry is reading too threatening right now to last until the end.

  3. I’m crying that you were right on Henry Nick, can’t wait to see him on the inevitable all stars season, my hype for this season has died out a bit, although I can’t wait for everyone trying to take credit for getting out the predominant strategic threat next episode, I get why he didn’t but if he had just listened to Locky…

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