Jeff Probst on 39 Days v 26 Days & Potential Return of Loved Ones Visit

All the latest from the On Fire podcast!


In the latest On Fire episode, Survivor host Jeff Probst, Survivor 45 winner Dee Valladares, and producer Jeff Wolfe discuss the possibility of Survivor returning to 39 days, Probst’s thoughts on the New Era’s complexity, and the potential return of heart-warming family visits.

When talking about Survivor now lasting 26 days as opposed to the usual 39, Probst says the most significant points of contention for fans are that they don’t want the game to change and that 26 days isn’t enough for players to fully live the experience.

To sum it up, Probst admits he thinks the New Era game is much more difficult than before due to the physical demand the shortened game exerts on surviving with scarce resources, and it takes a tremendous physical, mental, and emotional toll on players. As to the game returning to 39 days, Probst responds, “We’ll never say never, we’re always open to where the game takes us… but for the time being, 26 days is the game.” 

Afterward, when talking about how impactful it is for players to receive encouraging words from their loved ones through letters, Probst recalls Rick Devens saying how much it meant to him to receive letters from his kids and how these helped him more than an in-person Loves One’s meeting. Dee disagrees, and though she says she sees where Devens is coming from, she would suggest bringing back the Loved One’s visits, as it is a way to share the players’ Survivor experience with their families as well. Probst says Dee’s words are food for thought and will bring her suggestion to the table with the rest of Survivor’s production.  

Lastly, Probst teases the following words for the upcoming Survivor 46 finale: “The simple tease is the truth. I’m very excited for our finale. It’s great. The after show is really interesting as well, and they both connect…and I think fans will be riveted by what happens. It’s very fun, it’s engaging, it’s entertaining, it’s compelling, it’s a great finish to an absolutely great season of Survivor.” 

Written by

Mariana Loizaga

Mariana is a lawyer and a writer from Mexico City, Mexico. She has a masters degree in International Relations from the University of Surrey. Her hobbies include reading, blogging, and of course watching Survivor. The first season of Survivor she ever saw was Survivor: Philippines and she became so fascinated with the game and its many layers that she went back through the archives and watched every single previous season.

One response to “Jeff Probst on 39 Days v 26 Days & Potential Return of Loved Ones Visit”

  1. I adore this show and I have binge watched 45 seasons then waited for 46 and watched it everyweek. I love Jeff as the host and if they fire him as rumors are spreading then I will not watch anymore. I love the way he is so stern on the rules and yet caring when it comes to talking to the contestants before the challenges and if they need help like a medic he is always very caring. Then you see when the challenge is over, he says I got nothing for you LOL. So cold but so warmhearted he is. Love him on the show and love the show DON’T CHANGE THE HOST <3 . Thank you for making this show, it has been part of my entertainment life for over 20 years <3 .

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