Next Time On Survivor – Episode 4

Steph Lauw makes her predictions for the next episode!


Welcome to Season 47’s Next Time On Survivor weekly feature on the Inside Survivor site! If you’re new around here, I’m Steph from sunny, tropical, humid Singapore. This is a tiny space where I give my best attempts at understanding preview trailers and make my predictions for the show’s next episodes.

The NTOS trailer starts with a short look at the Gata tribe, focusing on Andy as this bumbling, clumsy character. Last episode gave him a bit of break as the attention shifted towards the growing tension between Anika and Sam. However, it seems like we’re back to viewing Andy as this awkward, semi-coordinated oddball who does not quite fit in with the rest of his tribe. 

It’s easy to write Andy off as the next to leave the game. However, I think the recent episodes are setting him up as the important number that could be used in the small tribe of five. It would be a waste for the other players on Gata to vote him out when it seems he’s easily along for the ride and not a threat to anyone’s game. After his meltdown in the premiere, I think it’s recognised that players even on other tribes may not truly take him seriously. So, for now, I think he serves as an appreciated comic relief for us viewers. 


On the Lavo tribe, the trailer builds on the Sol versus Rome conflict from Episode 3. This time, it’s much more explicit than previous episodes where Sol kept most of his judgement either to himself, confessionals, or casually with the rest of Lavo. Now, we see Sol asking, “Can I have a minute alone?” and Rome immediately retorting with a resounding no. 

After Aysha got voted out at the last tribal council, it looks like Sol is at the bottom of the tribe. With Rome’s advantages, Teeny and Kishan chose to move forward with him over Sol and Aysha. Now alone, Sol is probably trying to find an advantage as some form of protection, or just trying to have a private talk with Teeny without Rome around. 

Sol’s confessionals again show his continued exasperation, and I think it’s safe to say that we’re meant to agree with him here—Rome has been portrayed as overconfident, pretentious, and even delusional about his camp survival abilities and standing in the tribe. We’re going to see his downfall sooner or later. 


If Lavo goes to tribal council next episode, my guess is that Rome tries to pull of a Big Move using his two advantages. I don’t think it’ll be the episode he leaves, but I predict he misplays his hand, which will result in someone in his alliance getting voted out. I’m thinking either Genevieve—whom we have not seen much of but is apparently tight with Rome—or Teeny, who has just decided to vote Aysha out in favour of Rome. 

Finally, on the Tuku tribe, we get a small scene in the NTOS trailer where Tiyana remarks, “We found Sue and there’s blood everywhere.” It’s not real blood; it’s obviously red paint part of an advantage clue. Sue likely found a clue to the rehidden Beware Advantage since Gabe wasted the idol on himself in Episode 2. I’m on the fence about Sue—although she seems to have comfortable numbers with those she voted with, I can’t help but anticipate a Sue versus Kyle moment building up. We’ll have to wait and see more of Tuku to find out! 

What do you think will happen in Episode 4? Leave your predictions in the comments! 

Written by

Stephanie Lauw

Stephanie is an English literature and film graduate from Singapore who spends too much time analyzing her favorite TV shows. Besides patiently waiting for an Asian version of Survivor she can take part in, Stephanie enjoys dabbling with music, sound production, and writing, and would travel across the country for good Ayam Buah Keluak. Steph writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Next Time On Survivor feature.

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