Survivor: 50 For 50 – Taj Johnson-George

Who should be invited back for Survivor’s milestone season?


Welcome back to Inside Survivor’s 50 For 50, a semi-regular feature highlighting 50 former castaways who we think should be considered for a spot on Survivor 50. In a snake draft, the Inside Survivor team selected ten players each, with the only rule being they couldn’t have played more than twice.


Name: Taj Johnson-George
Age: 53
Season: Tocantins, 2009
Finish: 4th Place


Despite being completely out of her comfort zone and having just had a baby, Taj brought a unique gameplay style to Survivor. Her ability to read the game and make strategic moves was a sight to behold, which intrigued the audience and her fellow tribemates. She quickly aligned herself with Stephen Fishbach and created a cross-tribe alliance while in Exile alongside Brendan Synnott and Sierra Reed. While this alliance didn’t pan out at the merge, Taj’s bond with Stephen and future winner J.T. Thomas pushed her to the top four of the season, dismantling the rival Timbira tribe along their path. 


Only after Stephen realised how dangerous Taj would be in front of a jury, and fearing she would take J.T. to the final two instead of him, did he blindside Taj and send her to the jury. Taj ultimately decided to give her jury vote to J.T., giving him the first perfect win in Survivor’s history. Taj demonstrated tenacity, plenty of courage while in isolation, and managed to overcome the delicate balance between orchestrating blindsides and never getting personal, setting Taj apart from other castaways. 


Taj has been considered by fellow Survivor players and fans alike as one of the most memorable and likable players in Survivor’s history. Her grit, charisma, and undeniable agency showed how a person who might not seem too adept at the game might be the ideal fit for it. Taj has previously been considered for returnee seasons but has unfortunately stated several times that she is uninterested in returning to play the game. 

However, Taj would be the ideal candidate to return for Survivor 50. Firstly, she is the only one of the Jalapao three who hasn’t returned, and seeing as she hasn’t played in a while, she could adapt her gameplay however she sees fit, and no one would see it coming.


Secondly, Taj’s extraordinary social skills would undoubtedly place her in a well-rounded alliance regardless of her original tribe, making it likely she would make it far in the game. Lastly, Taj is an ideal player for a returning season such as Survivor 50, as she represents a Survivor era that is highly missed and beloved due to its unique and unfiltered players. By all standards, Taj should return to Survivor to test the waters in a shorter version of the game and could become the next winner if her fellow players make the dire mistake of underestimating how lethal Taj truly is. 

Written by

Mariana Loizaga

Mariana is a lawyer and a writer from Mexico City, Mexico. She has a masters degree in International Relations from the University of Surrey. Her hobbies include reading, blogging, and of course watching Survivor. The first season of Survivor she ever saw was Survivor: Philippines and she became so fascinated with the game and its many layers that she went back through the archives and watched every single previous season.

3 responses to “Survivor: 50 For 50 – Taj Johnson-George”

  1. What exactly does “…giving him the first perfect win in Survivor’s history.” mean?

    Unanimous final vote?
    E. Cole hit two birds in one season. JT is second coming in a couple years after Fiji.
    I’m quite certain most OG Survivor viewers know this.

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