Australian Survivor Season 2 Power Rankings (Round 1)

Former castaways Flick Eggington and Nick Iadanza go head-to-head in the Australian Survivor Power Rankings.

Australian Survivor is back, and for the first time ever on Inside Survivor, we are taking the Power Rankings down under!

While season two of Australian Survivor is now underway, another intense showdown is ready to begin here on Inside Survivor. Former Australian Survivor Season 1 players, Flick Eggington and Nick Iadanza, who once faced off on the islands of Samoa, will go to battle once more to determine the Inside Survivor Power Rankings champion.

Flick finished in fourth place on Australian Survivor, part of the controlling alliance for most of the season; she voted in the majority for the entirety of the time she was on the island. Nick had a bumpier journey, to say the least, labeled a “snake” early on due to an idol lie and voted out in a twist-y Tribal Council which sent him across to the opposing tribe. Despite not being able to shake the negative perception his tribemates had of him, Nick managed to make it to 11th place.

The Rules

We use the Gordon Holmes format of Power Rankings. Each week the two power rankers create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the rankers will earn. For example, if the person you ranked in 1st place is eliminated in the next episode, you will recieve 1 point. If the person you ranked in 20th place is eliminated, you will receive 20 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Australian Survivor Power Rankings Champion.

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She has her wits about her and is a triple threat: social, mental, physical. Sarah is here to play the game and she is going to play a good one!
With an idol, a strong ally and a clear target in Sam, I don’t see this phony Yogi going anywhere soon.
Never judge a book by its cover, Luke is one to watch out for! He is a comical character, and because of this, he will be underestimated. I see Luke causing a lot of havoc this season but being underestimated by his opponents. Watch out before it's too late guys.
She seems too well connected to be in trouble. Sarah is safe as houses…. or shelters…
Idol, social awareness, gets information from Jacqui about other players he isn’t as close with. It’s like this Bradley Cooper look-a-like is playing the game on NZT ; )
The main alliance seems to love him and the bottom seems to need him. I am all in on Jarrad! Hoping he is around for a really long time.
The sass on this lady is far too strong to take on any BS. She has formed a new alliance that will get her as far as she sees fit… and then will “flick” them away at her own demise.
Mark W
His alliance mate may be in the crosshairs, but she will take the bullets if they both land in hot water.
Is he the Robin to Luke’s Batman? I think at this point we are all underestimating Jericho as Luke’s sidekick. #watchthisspace as the grasshopper could soon look to become sensei.
Inexplicably, there seems to be no blow back from his reckless move at the first tribal, and I reckon he will somehow be able to keep it that way.
Locky is a massive physical threat and is playing a great under the radar game. I see him making it pretty far but think his physical attributes may cost him making it any further than mid-merge.
Non-threatening, super fun and DID YOU SEE HER AWESOME JUMPER?! Why vote her out?
Own it! Jarrad is open and happy to ‘fly under the radar’ in this game as he said himself. At this point he seems extremely likable within the tribe and will be able to keep stealthy for a few more episodes.
He seems super well insulated in that alliance, and if the bottom dwellers were able to switch things up, I can’t see him being the target.
Joining and staying strong with ‘The Misfits’ was his best move yet. AK will make a good transition into focusing on his social game. Oddly enough I think this might actually end up being his best asset.
She seems to be involved in a lot of conversations but not driving any of them, and that is the perfect strategy for the early part of a 55-day game. Teach me your ways Zig!
It’s all good Baby bay-bay! This chick is so rad. Completely underrated strategist who is dialled in with the majority alliance. She won’t take no “shit” from nobody ; )
Do I think she is as safe as Henry? No. Do I think she is safe for now? Sure. I am loving this little duo, so I hope she sticks around for a while
This girl screams Rihanna to me with her eyes! She is absolutely beautiful inside and out and I think her charm will get her a long way in this game.
The ads hint at MarkZan’s big move, but I don’t think the wee bit of beef we saw in the last episodes will be enough to make Locky the target, considering his strength.
This Olympian is the whole package! Good looking, smart and also a great physical competitor. I think her opponents will realise this sooner or later and will send her packing early merge.
Mark H
That brings me to the other half of this outfit matching duo. Will he hold some cards after the teased… moral dilemma? (even typing those words triggers me…)
Anneliese is a sneaky one! I feel like this under the radar player will soon make her move (I am at least hoping so). I don’t think people will see her as a threat, but they should probably watch out for this girl.
I love me some Annaliese and I NEED her name to stop coming up!!!!
Peter reminds me of Nick and Craig put together. I absolutely love him and think he won’t be voted off for a while until people realise how smart and how much of a threat he is to their game.
This sparkly cowgirl took a spanking at tribal this week. The animosity between her and Tessa seems irreparable at the moment, so if the bottom has a target, I can see it being her once again.
Michelle may be a Nanny back home but the only person she will be looking after out here is herself. I don’t see Michelle making it to the merge unfortunately.
By no means is he out of the woods yet, but AK seems to have clawed his way to the middle of them. If he can still be smart and not upset the applecart too much, then hopefully he is safe.
I don’t even think Ben has a legit alliance with anyone. Even though Kristie from Season 1 luckily got away with this gameplay, I don’t think Ben will.
A great narrator for fun moments in her tribe and Luke seems connected to her.
Unfortunately, people will soon come to realise Jacqui is no innocent player. I think she has played a great game aligning herself with a young strategic game player (Henry) but I don’t see her game entering the merge because she will probably open her mouth about something she shouldn't.
He took some early hits and is a bit of a challenge liability, but I loved him feeding the info to Jacqui that El and Lee… sorry, Sam and Mark were tailing them to the well. If Kent can keep his head down and listen when others think he isn’t, maybe he can scrape together some more time in Samoa.
Kent is a very likable character. I have come to love him and more and more especially since he resembles Jay from Modern Family, but I don’t see this old guy lasting much longer since he is on the outs.
We have heard so little from her that it’s not beyond the realm of possibility she gets a sudden visibility spike on her boot episode ala Kate or Millennials vs. Gen X Lucy.
Mark W
When one member of the power couple goes, the other one will follow. Mark is such a physical threat, and it seems Henry wants the physical threats gone so this does not look good for Mark.
He seems surprisingly disconnected from his tribe, and I hope that is not the case because I reckon there’s a lot going on under those glorious locks.
See no. 3 – Sam is public enemy #1 for Henry and also the weaker of the two (power couple with Mark W). It's obviously beneficial to keep your finger on the pulse of all alliances, but she seems to be coming on very strong. As of now her best bet might be to pray for immunity challenge victories
My pre-season winner pick looked paranoid and in a really tight jam after Henry was willing to THROW A CHALLENGE and USE AN IDOL on Day 9. For someone to earn that kind of attention, you’d have to think they are still in trouble.
Mark may protect you for a vote or so but unfortunately your fate is sealed. Although Tessa is a smart and strategic player, she is on the outs, and no matter how smart you are if the numbers aren't on your side then your flame is gone! Tessa needs a miracle, and she's already had one this past tribal council!
She was already on the bottom, and then her eloquent and tenacious tribal performance will only serve to solidify that position. She escaped the snuffer once, can she do it again?
Mark H
WHAT DOES MARK DO!?!? He gets his torch snuffed in a noble way and walks on out for his final time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan, but the ad has all but sealed his fate. He won’t go down without a crack so I can’t wait to see the hand he lays down.
I have absolutely no idea why, but I am putting him at the bottom because my gut says moral dilemma + excitable young fan = trouble. I know I’m projecting my own issues onto him, but it’s happened before, it may happen again. PLEASE NO!!! WE NEED MORE LERICHO (that’s totes their couple name) SPOONING!

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