Australian Survivor 2019 Power Rankings (Round 4)

Former castaways Fenella McGowan and Tess O’Halloran face off!

While the battle between Champions and Contenders is playing out on the islands of Fiji, here on Inside Survivor, an even bigger showdown is taking place. That’s right, Aussie Power Rankings are back, as Fenella McGowan, Tess O’Halloran and Martin Holmes compete for the Inside Survivor Power Rankings crown!

Round 3 is in the books, and once again, Tess holds onto her lead, now standing at 121 points overall. Martin continues in second place, racking up 114 points, while Fenella remains in last place, on 110 points. Will there be any changes as we head closer to the merge?!


We use the Gordon Holmes format of Power Rankings. Each week the three power rankers create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the rankers will earn. For example, if the person you ranked in 1st place is eliminated in the next episode, you will recieve 1 point. If the person you ranked in 20th place is eliminated, you will receive 20 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Australian Survivor Power Rankings Champion.

As Australian Survivor airs multiple episodes per week, the rankings will count for each episode aired that particular week.

If you have trouble viewing the rankings try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page.







If Pia doesn’t even make merge, won’t I look the fool! Regardless, my queen stays on top!
I thought I couldn’t love her more, and then she twirled her island moustache.
Pia is in the best position of the game. She's in the majority alliance, but right now, nobody perceives her as running the show. She's in this for the long-haul.
I’m bumping Luke up, firstly, to shake up my rankings, secondly, for mastering crying AND eating, and thirdly because dammit, he’s playing such a good game. I’d also like to officially invite Luke to come and watch The Notebook with me whilst we consume a s**t ton of food.
I can’t see a world where Abbey isn’t final four.
The Godmother of Fiji, Janine certainly has a target on her back thanks to Harry, but right now, I don't think it matters. She has the numbers, and, just to be on the safe side, she has an idol in her back pocket too.
ROSS <3 Raise your socks to the hero of the season. Can I just say, Ross throwing a rock at some fish whilst Janine was blabbing on about nature was such a mood. I’m here for anything that man does. He’s been labelled as a wild card by a few but right now you need to be seen as someone malleable and easy to work with. Ride that wave, my friend; I’m here for it.
It was a little contradictory, sowing the seeds of mistrust around David (by telling Shaun about the idol) and then throwing the challenge to protect the boys. But I don’t hate it; she couldn’t be their White Knight if the damsels weren’t in distress, and having their target amplified come merge will be great for her own Godparental target factor.
Who is coming after John at this point? He's not particularly playing the game... not in a strategic sense anyway. He is in the majority alliance, and even if David pulls off an idol blindside, I don't see him targeting John over Andy, Daisy, or Shaun.
I feel like John won’t really be in trouble till merge... if he gets there. He’s currently being a good solider and he brings the tribe strength.
Abbey’s unexpected mirror image. These hotties (the mullet is unconventional but there’s no denying its appeal) have great social games, are physical (without being Horse physical), well-insulated, seen as loyal, and are not the biggest threat in their respective majority alliances.
All Ross wants is a bit of peace and quiet... and Harry's socks. Much like John, who is aiming at Ross right now? He's lovable, not playing an aggressive game, and he's in the numbers.
And we finally got to see some of Simon!! Loved the inspirational pre-challenge chat; almost made me think about going to the gym tbh.
Undercover challenge beast! Monkey bars are HARD (I recently tried them on one of those mud obstacle courses and now have no idea how I used to do skipsies on them when I was a kid). Baden just needs to keep his head down a little longer to get through the tribe stage, and then if he can grab some agency for himself he might have a real shot at this.
Baden has worked himself into a hell of a position as the self-described "undercover arsehole." You can see he's growing in confidence episode to episode too. Swinging his way up the rankings.
Did we all see our lil Bayden whip his way across those monkey bars??! Boys got speed!!!
I think everyone might just have forgotten he’s there… Now that’s sneaky.
"WAIT, OSCAR'S NOT REAL?!" I'm all about Abbey's reaction to Harry's fake child revelation. The only reason I have her a bit lower than Pia and Janine is because she was touted as a potential target last week. So in the unlikely event that Harry pulls off some magic, perhaps Abbey will be in danger.
I think whilst Andy is busy making a ruckus this week, Shaun will be able to slink into the back of David and Luke's minds and slide on through to the merge. It’s gotta be happening soon, no?!
I wonder if his snoring has improved with the weight loss? Because why else would he be targeted at this stage?
We now know Simon's role on this season. He's a motivational tribe mascot. I don't think he's going anywhere just yet... but I have him lower than the other ex-Champs on the Contenders tribe, simply because he has the least air-time.
Ok, I’m still here waiting for Abbey's game to begin tbh. With her strong three alliance intact' she seems super safe at the moment' but I’m intrigued to see where the girls go when the numbers dwindle. Three's a crowd. YES to seeing that unfold.
The move to split on Hannah instead of Luke was brutal, paranoid genius, and though we don’t know where it came from exactly, its key aim was to protect Shaun, and so props to him for being so valuable to his alliance. Minus props for thinking Dave spilled the popcorn because he was hungry, and minus some more props for not keeping up his lie with David that he believed the idol was real--that could still have come in handy, no need to throw the baby (eg Oscar) out with the bathwater.
I was gonna put Daisy in first, but then I realised that would be a stupid mistake. What a blunder she made at the popcorn reward! If David pulls off a move with his idol, she could very well become the target.
I’m going against my usual ‘the ads must be giving me a tip-off’ vibe and bumping David up the line. And let’s just take a moment to acknowledge how much bloody fun he’s having out there. Yes, it looks like he’s in trouble this week, but I don’t think Andy has the moves to pull off a blindside. So yes, most people want him gone but that popcorn flavoured idol is just the ticket he needs right now.
We all make mistakes… Letting David go first was monumental. But I recognised the look on Daisy’s face when it dawned on her (I’ve got a great screenshot of me realising I’ve said something really, really dumb, so I feel her pain here). And I blame Andy way more because he knew it at the time and didn’t stop it. Daisy is still in hot water for being so closely paired with Shaun, and relatively less protected by relationships (judging by Andy’s targeting of her and Shaun’s connection with Abbey and co).
"When I saw all the popcorn on the floor, I realised, David must have been really hungry." *face palm* Shaun's right about one thing, David is hungry... hungry enough to eat a horse.
Ok. I’m so turned off when someone gets their knickers in a knot when they hear the person they're wanting to vote out say their name. Like, tit for tat? Take it as a compliment? With the three gal core alliance and then the majority of her tribe being former Champions, I don’t see Janine going home, but I do see Harry trying to throw some votes her way.
WHY DID THEY LET HIM GO FIRST? The look on David’s face walking FIRST into that reward actually melted my icy little heart. Like a kid on Christmas morning. The trouble for Gravy Davey is that I’m not sure his cockiness will let him straight save himself with another idol. He’ll surely want to get fancy to save Luke from a split, and I wonder if this might be the thing to do him in.
David shoving his face into a pile of floor-popcorn gave me some of the biggest laughs watching Survivor in a long time. That said, even with an idol, he's still public enemy number one, and I'm just not sure how he survives another three episodes.
Right now I don’t see Daisy going home, but I’m ready for an And/David/Daisy-off, so I think there’s gonna be some action! PS. Daisy can also come watch The Notebook but ONLY if she agrees to neck six cornettos!
I’m so nervous for Lukey right now. My hope is that Old Tendies repeat their Hannah move and split on Andy rather than Luke. Thanks to some stellar KOTJ social game, it doesn’t seem like they’re actually targeting Luke (though they should be!), and Shaun’s core group have shown a willingness to chop their peripheral allies if it’s the safest thing for them…
I don't blame Luke for playing his idol last week amidst the chaos of Tribal Council. Unfortunately, though, it now means he's idol-less and out of numbers. As I said with David, how can Luke survive another three episodes? I can already feel the tears coming. Pass me the tub of Häagen-Dazs.
I don’t care what the stick represents. I still don’t like it. Regardless, I’m here for Harry stirring up tribal! While I’m sad the kid schtick is up, I’m excited to see what this ice cream man can do!
Honestly, last week, I said Andy likes to stick his foot in it and then… he stuck his whole leg in it. He’s waist-deep in it. Sinking up to his neck. Andy clearly knows the mechanics of Survivor inside out, and he is an actual challenge beast, but his read on people is seriously problematic. At this stage, he has voted against or lied about his vote, to every possible voting group. He keeps backstabbing one group only to think he can trust them again the next round, and expecting them to not only trust him but stick to his plan. The only thing that might keep Andy above ground right now is the impression that he’s effectively neutered, while a lot of massive threats are still in the game.
No matter what Andy does, he can't seem to earn back anyone's trust. He's going to attempt throwing a challenge next week, and he just seems the perfect character for that move to backfire on. Even though Daisy & Shaun might be juicier targets of an idol play, I think that Andy is the more likely victim--someone David and Luke could probably persuade others to put their votes on.

Written by

Martin Holmes

Martin is a freelance writer from England. He’s represented by Berlin Associates for comedy writing and writes about TV and entertainment, currently for TV Insider and Vulture, previously Digital Spy, ET Canada, and Yahoo. A finalist for the Shortlist Sitcom Search in 2012 for “Siblings,” Martin received his BA in English with Creative Writing from The University of Hull. Martin is the owner and editor-in-chief of Insider Survivor.

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