Welcome to Season 48’s Next Time On Survivor weekly feature on the Inside Survivor site! If you’re new around here, I’m Steph from sunny, tropical, humid Singapore. This is a tiny space where I give my best attempts at understanding preview trailers and make my predictions for the show’s next episodes.
To give a quick recap, here is the breakdown of who’s on what tribe now:
- Vula is now Kamilla, Joe, Kyle, and Shauhin
- Civa is now Chrissy, Mitch, Bianca, Cedrek, and Sai
- Lagi is now Eva, Star, Mary, Charity, and David
The NTOS trailer begins with Kyle saying, “Kamilla and I just put on a masterclass in deception.” Indeed, after being swapped into a minority on the new Vula tribe against three players—Thomas, Joe, and Shauhin—formerly from Lagi, Kyle and Kamilla did what they needed to do to survive and pulled off a great blindside during tribal council. What’s even more impressive is that the legwork started way before tribal. The Civa pair began laying the foundation of their blindside by pretending they weren’t aligned with each other right when they got to their new camp.
Kamilla and Kyle are definitely strategic players. However, I’m unsure if their alliance will last long in the game. Unfortunately, they were forced to show their prowess early instead of laying low. I predict that they will be big targets to split up as soon as possible. After all, it’ll just take either Joe or Shauhin to recount what happened last episode and I’m sure others, maybe even former Lagi players, will be readily onboard to vote either of them out. Thus, I feel that Kamilla’s remark in the trailer, “We’re set. I think we can run this game” may not be an accurate representation of how far the two of them will go.
The next portion of the NTOS trailer highlights Chrissy completing a challenge, and celebrating as she gives the new Civa tribe the win. Jeff announces, “Let’s go, keep moving, we are tied,” before the scene cuts to a very frustrated Eva.
Other lines from the promo also seem to be from the same challenge. Jeff says, “This is a dangerous spot,” likely referring to the maze challenge where players have to navigate a ball, avoiding holes. Then, he continues to comment, “frustration really setting in,” probably commenting on Eva attempting the difficult challenge. We then hear soundbites from various players, all sounding like players encouraging Eva.
The CBS commercial preview then ends with an emotional Jeff tearing up while remarking, “Wow this has never happened.” I think this means the peak of the challenge will centre around Eva and how she manages her stress. She’s been incredible speaking for the autism community and bravely sharing her experiences as a person with disabilities while on Survivor. We might see Joe, who has been separated from Eva on another swapped tribe, leading the other players to help calm Eva down and regulate her emotions. All I hope is that the show represents the situation fairly and doesn’t overly milk the moment misleadingly.
Over on the new Lagi tribe, the trailer shows Mary, Charity, and David, helping Star solve her beware advantage cipher. Star is really lucky that she got swapped onto the same tribe, as the clues seem to be unique to each campsite. Yet, once again, it seems that Star’s beware advantage is becoming public knowledge. This doesn’t bode well for her—I can’t see how sharing the information so indiscriminately will help her game. As such, my prediction is that this will somehow bite her back and be one of the reasons she gets voted out soon.
Lastly, on the new Civa tribe, Mitch comments, “Sai is causing chaos,” then tells Chrissy, “I was about to pop off.” After that, the scene cuts to a confessional from Bianca dramatically gasping. I think this could either be Bianca registering her shock at something Sai did, or imitating something equally dramatic.
As we have seen in the last four episodes, Sai isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. These reactions from her new tribe members thus don’t come as a surprise to us. Sai clearly takes the game very seriously. You can almost see the gears turning in her head as she runs through all the possible scenarios for every small situation around her. This new Civa tribe may not be as patient with her as Cedrek or respect her actions as how Mary does.
I expect Sai’s name to be thrown out as a potential vote if Civa goes to tribal council. But luckily for her, she has Cedrek to help her navigate being in the minority.
What do you think will happen in Episode 5? Leave your prediction as a comment below!
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Not sure if you were being sarcastic about the Cedrek helping Sai, cause all last episode Sai was throwing Cedrek under the bus.
I hope Eva being frustrated is from a reward challenge
I’ll stick with my prediction from last time and say I think New Civa goes to tribal. With Sai leaving or maybe Bianca.