Australian Survivor 2019 Power Rankings (Round 5)

Former castaways Fenella McGowan and Tess O’Halloran face off!

While the battle between Champions and Contenders is playing out on the islands of Fiji, here on Inside Survivor, an even bigger showdown is taking place. That’s right, Aussie Power Rankings are back, as Fenella McGowan, Tess O’Halloran and Martin Holmes compete for the Inside Survivor Power Rankings crown!

Round 4 is over, and yet again, Tess continues to increase her lead, now standing at 147 points overall. Martin remains in second place, racking up 139 points, while Fenella is still in last place, on 136 points. Will there be any changes this week?


We use the Gordon Holmes format of Power Rankings. Each week the three power rankers create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the rankers will earn. For example, if the person you ranked in 1st place is eliminated in the next episode, you will recieve 1 point. If the person you ranked in 20th place is eliminated, you will receive 20 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Australian Survivor Power Rankings Champion.

As Australian Survivor airs multiple episodes per week, the rankings will count for each episode aired that particular week.

If you have trouble viewing the rankings try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page.







Okay, so before I delve into this week's rankings, I feel we need to take a minutes silence for Ross. I’m still devastated. I'm trying to recover with a tub of Nutella but tbh; it’s not really cutting it. Regardless, I’m a professional, so, on the with the show!! Same reasoning as every other week! Pia's edit screams winner to meeee. Side note: I’m so super jealous of her singular eyebrow raise. I was not blessed with such a talent.
Baden is probably the only Tendie to benefit from the cannibalisation of the original Contenders. If he’s the last Tendie standing (and why wouldn’t he be?), he’ll be in a nice spot when all the big threats in the Champ group start looking at each other.
He might be on the wrong side of the numbers, but I honestly think Baden is in the safest spot of the game. Nobody is looking at him as a threat right now, and we saw Luke making plans to snatch Baden up as a number for when the game starts getting cutthroat.
After Ross’s sad departure, I’ve had to reassess my ways, and because of this, we see Baden in the number 2 spot. He’s made the merge, he’s good at challenges, and yet with other members appearing to be more evidentially strong and with some more obvious infighting going on, I think Baden will slip through this week and find himself in a rather good position.
Abbey is one of the best-connected players on the board, and nobody is taking her game that seriously (judging by the side-eye between Pia and Janine when Abbey said she couldn’t imagine voting for Simon), which makes me thinks she won’t be targeted no matter how the numbers go down this week.
I'm pretty sure that at this point this is all John sees when he enters a challenge...
I’m not seeing John as a threat at all at the moment. Aside from really liking Mexican parmas, I’m not sure what else to say about him?! And to be honest, I don’t see Mexican parmas being enough to send someone home at this stage, so I think old Johnny boy will be safe. PS. for the record I prefer a normal Parma myself. Why mess with a good thing???
We saw loads of island-moustache twirling in the merge ep (metaphorically now), along with some Mr. Burns finger-tenting that sets Pia up as a schemer for the late game. It also puts her just a little closer to the firing line, but I suspect she’ll need to be able to show that she took that heat if she’s got a shot at the win, so I’m happy to see her there.
Pia's edit is really good. She's presented as this smart, stealth, underestimated player that is biding her time before she goes on an absolute slaughter. I don't expect her to go home this week, but I've dropped her a couple of spots just because her name has come up more than John's or Baden's.
So even Abbey's own alliance has admitted she’s playing a more emotional game than them. Whether this is a clever ‘I’m not threatening’ gameplay bit or just Abbey being Abbey, it’s working because if shots are going to get fired at her alliance, I see them at going Janine first.
John hopped merrily on board Luke and David’s Andy plan without giving any sign of a thought to the strategic game; infuriatingly, he seemed to explain his vote as a reaction to Andy’s failed challenge throw (what?! If anything, he should have been mad that Andy didn’t pull it off. This would clearly have been a good move for them). He may have been distracted by the whole parmi thing or I don’t know, maybe a butterfly or something. In any case, everyone surely has bigger fish to fry.
If it wasn't already established, I think by now we can safely say Luke is an elite Survivor player. How he's made it this far and survived so many Tribal Councils is astounding. His social game is next level (add Ross to the collection of players who have said they want him to win). And the idea of staying back to keep tabs on the Contenders while the rest of the Champs talked game... smart. My only worry is Luke becoming collateral damage to an idol play, but I'm trying to keep the faith.
Hooley Dooley. If I wasn’t already jealous of the food rewards this year, Daisy’s crate really was the cherry on top of my jealousy sundae! I’m concerned with how paranoid Daisy is at this point in the game; it’s still early days. She’s also proven herself to be a challenge threat and no longer has an idol shield. However, she does still have a human shield in Shaun, which I think considering all the other social dynamics floating around the camp, should see her through the next few episodes.
Somebody should snap Simon up to take to the end pronto. He honestly seems like such a nice guy, he’d probably pat you on the back and ask where he signs up to vote for your win.
The only way Simon will be targetted right now is if people worry about his challenge strength. Other than that, he's not making any waves and seems well-liked by everyone.
GAH. I never wanted to bump Luke out of my top three. I’m feeling like a rotten human but I gotta do what I gotta do. I am LOVING Luke’s game. The fact that he’s positioned himself with David early on was such a good move. The only downside is if David leaves, he is going to be so exposed. I need Luke to find an idol and get some form of (actually useful) advantage so I can bump him back up to where he belongs!
My favourite Luke creeping moment so far was when he stayed behind at camp with the Tendies while the old Champs caught up on the beach. He looked like a wedding guest who rolled into the wrong reception and just decided to go with it. Anyone else would have been weird and awkward, but with a bit of that Luke magic, they just about sat him up at the head table and let him cut the cake. I want to place Luke higher but I just can’t get around what an outrageously huge threat he is.
It's shocking to me how Harry went from public enemy number one before the merge to completely under the radar. I'm also shocked that I have him this high in the rankings. But with Daisy & Shaun standing out as a power couple, and the Champ girls already considering cutting David, I actually think Harry is in a fairly strong position.
HOW did Harry dodge having his name being thrown out there for that last tribal?! I’m so impressed!!! Knowing when to push and when to shut up is possibly one of the hardest parts to the game and Harry has clearly picked this up. Despite the stick, I'm really into Harry’s game!
Janine is one of those big fish that people are going to want to fry. Ironically, after all Harry’s name-slinging to paint a target on her, he might end up being a pivotal relationship for Janine. Neither of them have other cross-tribe relationships and both of them are likely to be in need of exactly this.
The Godmother talk seemed to subside once the merge hit, but there's no doubt Janine is still a considerable threat. I like to think that she and Harry can go into business together and pull off some magic, but I fear Harry is ultimately going to get his revenge on her.
I can’t figure out if Simon is in a great spot or if he’ll be the next to go home. I’m clearly hoping the latter won’t reign true this week! So, he’s clearly on the bottom of his alliance, HOWEVER, there are so many social dynamics floating around of which Simon is clearly not a part of. If he can just keep his head down and not try to dominate the challenges tooo much, he may just float on through to the other side... of this week anyways.
How on earth Harry managed to go undercover after the Oscar of it all, I can’t imagine. I want to believe this means Janine and Pia protected him and will actually work with him going forward, but I worry he could get into trouble as an Andy-ish consensus vote if the Champs want to plow through a couple more votes before turning on each other.
The grass at her parents' farm might be doing well, but other than enjoying that crate of treats, last week didn't go so well for Daisy. She wasted an idol and gave up the numbers to the former Champs. That said, I actually think getting rid of the idol will make her less of a target. She's still in dangerous territory, but there are bigger threats in front of her.
Out of her core three alliance, Janine is making the most waves. Firstly there’s the nickname: ‘The Godmother’. Nicknames are never a good thing; they’re 100% a target sign. Then she appears to be quite vocal within her larger alliance, which never goes unnoticed around camp. If the Contenders sense this, there’s cause to go to the people on the bottom and start a movement. No one ever likes being told when to eat or how to vote in this game. Or in general really. Haha! Life lessons with Fen.
Honestly, I just can’t imagine how this level of intensity can go on much longer. It’s a lot. A lot of David, a lot of intense David eye locks with Shaun, a lot of plots to take down David and then a lot of plots to save David. Isn’t there a law of physics about this? In any case, something’s got to give.
On the surface, it looks like Abbey is well-insulated within her alliance. However, I'm wondering if all this talk of Pia stabbing people in the back is to set up her turning on Abbey, who is perhaps seen as an emotional liability to the alliance.
I’m going to take a chance and not put David on the bottom. YES, he has a MASSIVE target on his back. YES, he’s pissed off many members of the tribe, and YES everyone now knows he has an idol, but goddammit I see Shaun leaving before David. But let’s be honest, I’m also coming last here so the chances of this happening are pretty slim.
I’ve liked Shaun’s thinking the last couple of rounds; he was right to try and save Andy to take out a Champ. More concerning though, he didn’t have the pull with his allies to bring them round to this. Losing the numbers in that first vote, combined with the horse-sized target on his back, could be disastrous.
The previews are promising the "ultimate showdown," and I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean John squaring off with a Mexican parma. The David versus Shaun saga of 2019 has been one of the season's longest-running and most compelling arcs, and eventually, something has to give. I think David will come out on top of the showdown due to his idol, but I'm hedging my bets and putting both at the bottom.
Shaun’s main game is that he wants David out, and whilst this is fun to watch, I feel like he’s becoming quite blinded by this and is forgetting to check if there are any other options floating around. Unless he tries to trick David for a while and work with him, I think Shaun may be in a little trouble here!
It seems like Daisy has great social sway over her allies and a knack for getting herself into pole positions, but not such a knack for strategic decision making. From getting herself into a blatant power couple to letting David go first (still flabbergasted) to swinging her idol around in a big idol-shaped package as she returned from reward to spear-heading the implosion of the Tendies in the face of a frighteningly unified champ group. Daisy just keeps making decisions that get her into trouble. She’s at super high risk to be collateral in this whole David vs. Shaun storyline shebang, and so far her moves have made her more likely to dodge into a bullet than away from it.
As I said above, I feel confident that at least one of David or Shaun is going this week, and to play it safe, I'm dumping both guys at the bottom. Given David's idol and Shaun's increasing lack of allies, I feel like the Golden God will triumph over The Horse.

Written by

Martin Holmes

Martin is a freelance writer from England. He’s represented by Berlin Associates for comedy writing and writes about TV and entertainment, currently for TV Insider and Vulture, previously Digital Spy, ET Canada, and Yahoo. A finalist for the Shortlist Sitcom Search in 2012 for “Siblings,” Martin received his BA in English with Creative Writing from The University of Hull. Martin is the owner and editor-in-chief of Insider Survivor.

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