Australian Survivor 2019 Power Rankings (Round 3)

Former castaways Fenella McGowan and Tess O’Halloran face off!

While the battle between Champions and Contenders is playing out on the islands of Fiji, here on Inside Survivor, an even bigger showdown is taking place. That’s right, Aussie Power Rankings are back, as Fenella McGowan, Tess O’Halloran and Martin Holmes compete for the Inside Survivor Power Rankings crown!

Round 2 started off poorly for Tess, as she had ET and Sam in her top ten, however, the elimination of Sarah kept her in the rankings top spot with 91 points overall. Martin and Fenella began the week strong, but their relatively high ranking of Sarah stopped them from taking the lead, finishing on 87 and 85 points respectively. The scores remain extremely close as we head into Round 3!


We use the Gordon Holmes format of Power Rankings. Each week the three power rankers create separate rankings based on least likely to most likely to be eliminated. The ranking of the player who is voted out of the next episode will determine the number of points the rankers will earn. For example, if the person you ranked in 1st place is eliminated in the next episode, you will recieve 1 point. If the person you ranked in 20th place is eliminated, you will receive 20 points. At the end of the season, the person with the most points will be named the Australian Survivor Power Rankings Champion.

As Australian Survivor airs multiple episodes per week, the rankings will count for each episode aired that particular week.

If you have trouble viewing the rankings try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page.







I am 100% putting alllll of my faith in the confessional Pia gave in the first episode. She wasn’t the first voted out, so she's obviously winning.
Finally in her rightful place, top dog. Pia has incredible game awareness, and with all the shifty play going on around her, I think it’s this, plus the ability to forge genuine bonds, that will pull through. While everyone else is laser-focused on their own fake idols (David), fake babies (Harry), fake plans (Andy) and fake friends (David again - poor Andy), Pia is the one stepping back to look at the big picture, at what’s in other people’s best interest and how other people might be feeling, and playing real Survivor.
I'm really high on the trio of former Champion women (need a name for them... The Boosty Bunch?). I actually had Pia first, until I found out that Janine can now use her idol for herself (thanks Fen!). Janine is in the numbers, has protection in the form of an idol, and seems set for a deep run.
Oh my god, stop the press. Here is the character I didn’t know I was wanting!! Ross cooking himself on coffee is one of my favourite Survivor scenes ever <3. I’m clearly not the first person to see the similarities between The Grub and Ross, however, Ross seems to be appeasing more of the social aspect which sees him in quite a good position. Despite his snoring! I lovingly name thee: Grotty Rossy.
Sorry to dip back into the Harry Potter analogies, but Janine basically has a Hermione in the sharp, strategic Pia, and a Ron in the lovable, loyal (and a touch emotional) Abbey. I think that makes her Harry. The question is, who’s her Voldemort? (Also, side note, Hermione>Harry any day, so Pia gets top spot).
Given that Pia has great intuition, I'm wondering if she'll eventually sniff out Harry's fake son lie. Either way, her game-awareness is next level, and she's in the majority alliance.
Yes Luke!! I feel like Luke is sitting on the trifecta situation. He’s got an idol, he’s in a tight pair but his other half is rubbing people the wrong way (meaning he’s got a shield for any bullets flying his way). I don’t even think he’s had to use the spy shack yet?! Also, note the restraint he made when he didn’t play his idol at tribal. I probably would've caved and used it. I’m so impressed with his game!
Once again, Abbey finds herself both in the numbers and insulated, with Simon (and maybe Shaun, if I can be allowed to jump to conclusions) on one side, and Janine and Pia on the other.
Abbey might not be quite as game savvy as Pia and Janine, but she brings an emotional touch to the alliance, and that can come in very handy in terms of winning over potential allies (unless your name is Steven Bradbury).
Ooff. I’m here for Janine’s position at the moment. She went into the tribe swap with the numbers on her side, she can now use her contender idol and she’s got a strong solid three alliance with Pia and Abbey. She’s also cottoning on to David which will fuel Shaun--information is the fuel you need out there! Ps. Has anyone else been uncharacteristically drinking Boost lately? Because I have. LOL to that.
The fact that Luke escaped a 7-2 disadvantage with his meat shield, his idol and his reputation intact is not just a miracle but a testament to his gameplay.
Speaking of not being game savvy, I don't think John is the strategist type. He's just a good ol' boy who wants to eat his beans and knock back a few cold ones. Right now, that's working for the mulleted-one, as he's part of the majority on the new Champions tribe.
I don’t think we’ve seen what Abbey can really do as of yet but that's not to say its not in the works--it's early days really. My main hope is that Harry’s "I have a child" lie unfolds and she goes apes**t. Here. For. It!
John dropped a few spots on account of his doing something… but I don’t think he’ll take any heat for it.
There's just one word to sum up Ross' game from last week...
I feel like John has stumbled across an alliance which for the time being sees the numbers on his side. He doesn’t seem to be doing much hustling, which means he can’t have any fingers pointed his way. So I think old Johnny boy will get to enjoy those beans for a couple more days.
The swap could not have worked out better for Simon. This is a golden opportunity for him to solidify a relationship with the Champ girls, away from the influence of David and Luke--not a game-winning plan, but likely a merge-maker.
Baden's gone from an early target to the man everyone wants on their side. Unless he has an absolute nightmare performance in a challenge, I don't see the new Champs tribe taking him out any time soon.
I’ve let my love for Ross get in the way of my strong belief that Baden is in the final two this week. I still have major faith he’s going deep into the game, but I don’t really recall him doing that much last week. He seems to be the swing vote within his tribe which gives immense power, but I also think he’s on a tribe that is about to implode... so... much like his position in the tribe, he's my middle man this week.
Looks like Shaun is about to peek behind the curtains and realise that lucky potion I was so excited about last week is just pumpkin juice. Hopefully, he’ll use this knowledge to galvanise a relationship with the powerful Champ girls, given their already souring relationship with David and (again, jumping to conclusions) his connection to Simon and Abbey.
I can't believe it's taken 10 days for Shaun to check his idol, but it seems like he's finally about to realize he's got a fake. Even though he's on the wrong side of the numbers on the new Contenders, his strength in challenges is likely to save him.
My other middle man. I was really hoping Simon would at least be on the chopping block last week because it would've really helped my score! Gah! I’m yet to see anything that makes me wanna go in and do a deep dive stalk on the man so here we are... in the middle.
I think Lydia once referred to Baden’s type as the ‘mediocre’ people, and far as I can tell mediocrity remains an asset at this stage of the game. Baden finds himself in a decent position, as a threat to nobody and a potentially usable number to everybody.
Luke has been to 8 out of 9 Tribal Councils so far this season and is still in the game. Not only that, but he's flipped from the minority to the majority alliance twice, all without having to play his idol. He's truly earning that King of the Jungle nickname.
I don’t think we’ll see Daisy’s name on the chopping block this week, but I do think were going to see some action from her. She’s got some pull within Baden and John, and Shaun is about to figure out his idol is a dud, so I’m thinking something great is going to unfold this week for Daisy’s game.
Ross isn’t just standing in the middle of the road, he’s dancing naked with three cups of coffee and Steven’s underpants in the middle of the road… I still think this might get him run over, but it is so fun to watch.
The fake idol saga is one of the best running arcs in Survivor history, and Daisy's role it in is part of the reason. She is unknowingly working with the man who screwed over her closest ally... a fact she is about to find out, based on the preview. I'm interested to see how she's going to play it.
So Shaun finally gets a good old look at his idol, only to find out its fake. I won’t lie, I still know little about Shaun's game so I’m really amped to see how this all plays out.
I didn’t totally understand Daisy’s move last round--surely it was not all about that idol talk? And if it was, why take out Sam (and in doing so, obliterate the Benji Wilson rule)? I like that she’s taken some agency for herself in a tribe where she otherwise was clearly being left out of conversations, but it makes her heavily reliant on very new relationships, and if she turns on David now (as Shaun would like her to, and as she is probably now, inadvertently, well placed to do), she’s left with very few people to rely on that she hasn’t already betrayed.
You're probably not playing the best game when people you've never met are already calling you an "idiot." I think he's surviving based on challenge strength at the minute.
Gah, I still have nothing to say about Hannah. Welllll, her name is a palindrome, so there's that?!
Essentially, I see everyone on the new Tendie beach as being at the mercy of the Champ girls, and one of them already thinks Matt’s a right idiot… If they get a few more wins under their belt, he might have time to show the softer, self-deprecating side that I think would win Abbey over, but if they go soon to tribal he could be in a spot of bother.
Crikey. I’m so off Matt’s challenge persona. I’m hearing that he’s such a nice guy around camp, but the challenge outbursts are a LOT. On the flip slide, as a tribe member, I would be mentally taking note of all these outbursts and planning a killer line to serve during your tribal farewell. Game, Set, Match, Fen.
There’s not much left to say about David that David hasn’t said about himself… He really is a gold villainy god, I’ll give him that. If he can pin the fake idol on Nova (didn’t he say she gave it to him?) maybe he’ll scrape out of this... he could even scramble his way to merge. But I’m seeing him more and more as Luke’s meat shield, and meat shields exist to take hits.
Simon Black... more like Simon BLANK, am I right?! Seriously. Simon is giving me nothing... or if he is, the editors aren't showing it. The swap was the best thing to happen to his game.
Harry, please tell me your ice-cream store has an ‘Oscar’ flavoured ice-cream? I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of what flavour you’d make that?? Maybe something seemingly wholesome?! Like hokey pokey?!?! Anyways, I digress. You’re on the wrong side of the numbers, BUT you’ve got an idol. You don’t strike me as the type of player that would tell anyone about that, so I’m thinking you’re okay should you go to tribal.
I’m actually not totally opposed to little Oscar. Harry’s around my age, so I guess he has a bunch of friends and siblings popping out little humans, and the baby chat usually goes kind of the same way… he’s probably picked up a bit, and he could pass off the little fits of island-emotion (like a daydream about ice-cream that makes you unaccountably sad) as missing little Oscar. I just worry that, like David, he’s trying so hard to be the baddie that he might forget to play good Survivor, which means making social connections.
If I was drinking, I’d turn Andy’s game into a drinking game. Anytime you hear he’s the greatest, most strategic player ever, or whenever he blabs out a secret without checking his surroundings, you take a shot. You’ll be drunk by the immunity challenge, or worst case, tribal. You’re welcome, and enjoy.
I want to see more Casey! Between her plank talk with Pia and her pillow talk with Abbey, she seems to have her finger in some pies. But, if the girls are smart (and I think they are), and if Shaun and Casey both want to vote for Harry with them (which it seems they would), she could actually cop the backhand of a vote split.
The Golden God is TV Gold. However, his overconfidence and constant lies are bound to catch up sooner rather than later. His fake idol ruse is about to be exposed, and I feel like a blindside could be heading his way.
Is it me or does Casey display challenge arrogance?! I’m putting it out there because is this a snippet into a bigger story brewing? It seems odd that we get those cutaways and then not much else on her? Anywayssss, she’s keen to play the game and open to flipping on Harry, however, Harry has an idol up his sleeve, so if the tribe does a split vote between those two, I don’t see Casey faring well unless she also finds an idol?! There's so many in the game at the moment; whats another one?!
Boy, does Andy like to stick his foot in it. He’s crazy skilled in the challenges, so you’d think his peripheral vision would be alright, but he seems unusually easy to creep up on during sensitive conversations. Andy seems like a good option for Luke and David, if they want to protect relationships with the Tendies for a pending merge, plus he’s a challenge threat. I wonder if Daisy would go along with taking him out before even turning on David.
I enjoyed Casey exposing David's lie, and I think she was smart to tell Abbey that she'd vote out Harry. The problem is, Harry now has an idol, and I could easily see Casey being the victim of a split vote plan/idol play.
Ow David! I certainly don’t want you to go home because you are entertainment value plus!!! But I do think you’re name is going to be thrown around a lot in camp. The interesting part from here is seeing you dodge the aftermath of that. Once your name is out, it's out. I’m keen to see you dodge this ball!! Lol to being cream as well. The grab lines are perfection!
The Benji Wilson theory has been debunked. This is distressing. I have no idea where Hannah stands but it seems precarious.
The fake golf blogger took a giant swing and miss last week. It's possible he could recover if David's idol lie comes crumbling down... but even if that's the case, Andy will find a way to stick his foot in it.

Written by

Martin Holmes

Martin is a freelance writer from England. He’s represented by Berlin Associates for comedy writing and writes about TV and entertainment, currently for TV Insider and Vulture, previously Digital Spy, ET Canada, and Yahoo. A finalist for the Shortlist Sitcom Search in 2012 for “Siblings,” Martin received his BA in English with Creative Writing from The University of Hull. Martin is the owner and editor-in-chief of Insider Survivor.

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