Australian Survivor: Brains v Brawn II

Episode 8 Recap – Taking Hostages

What went down in the latest episode?

Network 10

There’s a hostage crisis in Samoa, and it’s all because of AJ, who, after disposing of Rich in the last episode, has taken up the mantle as the island’s most chaotic player. We’ve known that AJ has a tendency to overplay since the early Brains days when he tried orchestrating a Logan blindside despite not having the numbers. As this episode proves, nothing has really changed since then.

With Rich gone, the Brawn 2.0 tribe is split four versus four, with four original Brains (AJ, Karin, Logan, and Kaelen) and four original Brawns (Noonan, Pauli, Kristin, and Ursula). However, the lines are anything but clear. The old Brawns cannot get on the same page, especially Noonan and Ursula, who between back-up votes and dismissive looks, are seemingly never going to see eye to rolling eye. Kristin, too, is keen to throw Noonan and Paulie to the wolves and link up with AJ and the Brains.

Rather than take this opportunity to solidify his bonds with the old Brawns who want to work with him, AJ decides its the perfect time to enact his “taking hostages” plan. He wants to convince the Brains 2.0 tribe to throw immunity challenges under the threat of losing more OG Brawns should Brawn 2.0 continue to go to tribal council. With the old Brawn having the numbers advantage on Brains 2.0, AJ doesn’t see why they wouldn’t be on board with such a scheme.

Network 10

Meanwhile, on Brains 2.0, Ben is not happy with the sleeping arrangements and sets to work on building a new shelter. The rest of the tribe chips in to help, except for Myles, who spends most of the time chatting his new tribemates’ ears off. Zara tries to get Myles to reel it in, but her words have no effect, as Myles continues to be Mr. Chatterbox.

AJ soft launches his hostages idea in the middle of the immunity challenge, which is a cool twist on the peg challenge. Two pairs of throwers attempt to knock coconuts off a ledge corresponding to numbered pegs, from which the rest of the tribes are precariously perched. AJ suggests to opposing tribe member Ben that it might be wise for him to throw the challenge. The idea doesn’t take, though, and despite a Biblical effort from Paulie, the Brawn 2.0 tribe is heading back to tribal.

Back at camp, AJ becomes further obsessed with the hostages idea, and sets his sights on Ursula as tonight’s target. He believes he can go into the next challenge and tell the other tribe, “If you don’t throw, then Noonan, Paulie, and Kristin” are next. Is strong-arming the right approach? Given how things have gone for other aggressive players so far this season, I’m not so sure.

While Ursula does end up being voted out, the journey there isn’t as simple as it should be. While the OG Brains debate between sending Ursula or Paulie him, the OG Brawns have a conflab, and Paulie suggests coming back together as a foursome and blindsiding Karin. It seems Noonan and Ursual agree, acknowledging the Brains won’t see it coming because they won’t expect them to work together.

Noonan and Ursula
Network 10

Yet, as soon as Ursula is out of earshot, Noonan spills the plan to Karin and puts all the blame on Ursula. When Karin brings the news to AJ, he correctly surmises that Paulie was the one who really brought up the idea. This leads to a chaotic, he-said-she-said scramble, where Ursula finds out Noonan threw her under the bus again and declares any working relationship between the two of them DEAD.

At tribal, AJ unveils his hostages plan to JLP, explaining how he intends it to work and hopes the remaining OG Brawns will play along with it. This revelation garners quite a reaction, not just from the old Brawns but also from AJ’s own Brains alliance mates. Kaelen, in particular, is not on board with such an extreme plan and seems uncomfortable with using the term “hostages” in the game of Survivor.

In the end, Ursula is voted out, bringing her rivalry with Noonan to an abrupt end. With Kristin now firmly on the bottom, Noonan and Paulie seemingly willing to play along as hostages, and AJ ruffling feathers, the scene is set for what could be quite the hostage negotiation in tomorrow’s episode.

Written by

Martin Holmes

Martin is a freelance writer from England. He’s represented by Berlin Associates for comedy writing and writes about TV and entertainment, currently for TV Insider and Vulture, previously Digital Spy, ET Canada, and Yahoo. A finalist for the Shortlist Sitcom Search in 2012 for “Siblings,” Martin received his BA in English with Creative Writing from The University of Hull. Martin is the owner and editor-in-chief of Insider Survivor.

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