Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Eighth Elimination

Neal Gottlieb has become the eighth castaway to be eliminated from Survivor: Kaôh Rōng – Brains vs Beauty vs Brawn.

The 39-year-old ice cream entrepreneur from Sausalito, CA was unfortunately medevaced due to an infection in his knee. After a show-and-tell of injuries before the immunity challenge, Jeff and a member of the medical team made an impromptu visit to the new Dara tribe to do a check-up on everyone. He looked at injuries on Tai, Scot, & Aubry, but he deemed them fit to continue.

Neal’s injury, however, was an infection on his knee, which if left untreated could have spread into his joints and caused irreparable damage. Fortunately for Neal, once his injury was taken care of, he was able to return to Ponderosa and became the first member of the jury.

Neal Gottlieb was the latest castaway eliminated from Survivor: Kaoh Rong.
Neal Gottlieb was the latest castaway eliminated from Survivor: Kaoh Rong.

This is the second medevac from this season after Caleb was pulled from the game in Episode 4.

Updated Cast Board by Rob Brodeur:

Kaoh Rong Cast Board 2


Written by

Rob Brodeur

Rob hails from Boston, MA. He studied Architectural Engineering at college and has been following Survivor since the first season. Rob is married and has a dog named Snoopy. He also used to host Survivor ORGs (Online Reality Games) on Facebook. Rob writes Inside Survivor’s weekly Survivor Stats feature.

7 responses to “Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Eighth Elimination”

  1. Could have been better could have been worse. The one remaining Brain I don’t hate is out.

    And loved that Nick win

  2. Beuaty and Brains should work together
    I liked Nick in this episode, he is ready to make moves
    But Aubry made me love her, the best by now, I hope she wins

    • I don’t think all the beauty will work with the brains. Tai doesn’t seem to like the Brains and neither does Julia. Nick and Michele might though. I hope not. I want the Brawn and Beauty to work together

  3. That sucks! I was really sad to see him go. Plus we missed on a possibly great tribal council. Now we have to just guess, who would have Nick chosen at the end or if Neal had played the immunity idol… I hope he comes back!

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